Shouto vs. Katsuki

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"Hey! Icyhot! What the fuck you doin' in my room?!"

"This one's mine. You picked the wrong door. I almost took yours by accident as well. Sorry about that."


The blonde looked outside of the door for the sign and truly, he had picked the wrong door.

"Doesn't matter! Either way, don't you dare to hold back! Don't even think about it! Or I'll kill you! Understood?!"

The teen with the monochrome hair shrugged and gave the hint of a nod but then his eyes fixated on something behind Bakugo and widened a bit.

Immediately the blonde spun around and saw nothing more than a wall in front of himself.

His eyes wandered downwards and he saw green, curly, tousled hair and felt how little explosions were created in his palms.

That couldn't actually be true!


The small guy in front of him flinched and trembled as he tried to take up as little space as possible.

"Please don't hurt me! I don't have a strong Quirk! Please! I didn't want to - I…! I didn't mean to stand in your way!", squealed the boy and hurriedly stumbled to the side without looking up.

"Look at me when I talk to you, pisser!", growled the explosive teen and made the other one, yank his head up.

Green curls, green eyes, freckles.
The Scars, the eye bags, and the blind eye were new but he was sure.


"M-me? W-what… I… I don't know you! I promise it was somebody else! I - I just - I'm only - I…!"

A cold hand pushed Bakugo who was seconds away from blowing up the boy in front of him out of the way.

"Zuko, what are you doing here? We actually should be alone."

Katsuki stiffened.

Was Shoutos voice actually warm and friendly? What had happened to their class ice-prince?!

Wait… Zuko?!

"What's your name?!", he snapped at the curlyhead.

"Z-Zuko I-idori!", stuttered the greenette and grabbed for Shoutos hand.

"Com' on, Bakugo, you're scaring him. He's completely harmless."

The blonde observed the two of them and huffed in a derogatory manner.

"Reminded me of an old acquaintance. Quikless shitnerd. Always thought he could tell me what's good and what's bad.", explained the delinquent and examined the pair in front of him again.

"I'm gonna leave you scar faces alone then but don't you dare to let me hear how fisheye here sounds like when he gets fucked!", with the words he went away, although he flipped them the bird for good measurement.

As soon as he was out of sight Izuku relaxed and smiled at the taller one.

"That went pretty well."

Shouto lifted one brow at that. It seemed that their definition of 'well' was rather different even though it had some resemblance.

"Well? That was even worse for his normal behavior."

The eyes of the greenette grew round and big and he pointed in the direction in which Bakugo vanished.

"What?! That was bad? H-he talked normally with me! That was more than well!"

Beautifully Broken - Open End (English) [Villain!Deku]Where stories live. Discover now