'I love you more gorgeous,' Luke said, snapping me out of my thoughts before we both climbed underneath my covers together, our hands still intertwined loosely. 'So what do you want to do today?'

'I am very happy with just staying here for the rest of the day,' I said truthfully, as just being in Luke's company was enough for me.

'I agree, should we watch a movie?' Luke asked and I shook my head.

'C'mon we haven't been broken up for that long,' I laughed, referring to the fact that if we were to watch a movie in bed, I would one hundred per cent fall asleep in the first ten minutes.

'First of all, stop using that against me,' Luke laughed as I just rolled my eyes at him. 'Second of all, I know that you would fall asleep, just thought it may be different considering it is 11 am.'

'Definitely not, I would be out like a light in ten minutes,' I said shaking my head, before resting it on Luke's chest, missing the feeling of safety Luke gave me every time we were together. 'What day do you leave for London?'

'Sienna do we really have to talk about this?' Luke asked and I nodded against his chest.

'Yeah I need to know when to book my nails and what night to tan so I look good for your farewell photos,' I said with a laugh, partially joking.

'You're joking right?' Luke asked with a laugh.


'I leave on the twenty-third of December.'

'Two days before Christmas,' I breathed, my heart aching at the thought that Luke would not be around for Christmas or New Years this year. 'Why can't you guys stay until the New Year?' I asked.

'Semester Two starts on the fifth of January, we need time to move into our apartment and actually figure stuff out,' Luke said and he did have a point. Moving to a different country to study abroad would be scary, and those four boys living together would be scary enough if it was just in Australia, in London it will be an absolute shit show.

'I guess that is fair enough,' I said gently, suddenly feeling selfish and not wanting Luke to leave.

'I will Skype or Facetime you every day Sienna, I promise.'

'You can't promise that.'

'Yes, I can. I would do anything for you and this will make not seeing your pretty face in person every day just that little bit easier,' Luke said kissing the top of my head softly, giving my hand a squeeze as I gripped it tighter.

'I don't want you to go,' I said truthfully because I did not. Long-distance relationships hardly ever work out and considering Luke and I are already on thin ice, this is going to be absolute hell. 'I know I am being selfish but yeah, I don't know, I really hate the fact that I won't be able to hug or kiss you or do anything at all with you every day.'

'I am not going to be gone forever, and I already have the dates that I am coming back planed.'

'What days?' I asked, the excitement in my voice even shocking me slightly.

'Well, I will be back for the whole of their summer holidays, so June, July and August,' Luke began and I nodded for him to continue. 'Then I come back on the fifteenth of December next year for Christmas and New Years.'

'You are going to miss my formal and my eighteenth,' I said, sounding more selfish than ever, but he did promise that he would come back for my formal, as there is nobody I would rather have on my arm than Luke.

'I know baby and I am sorry, it is just those dates are smack in the middle of the term and I can't exactly just come home for a weekend,' Luke said gently and I swallowed the lump that was in my throat, knowing that I was only going to see him twice next year.

'It is okay,' I said, even though both of us knew that it was not.

'Not it isn't Sienna, but we are going to make it work, I promise you.'


Gonna be honest I forgot Shawn and Sienna kissed last chapter

anyways I have two more uni assignments left and I just submitted like over 5000 words of work today and I'm dead I hate journalism

ANYWAYS thanks for reading only 8 more chapters together and then the SEQUEL xx

Dazed & Confused: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now