"Okay, that is something I do not believe," Brite denied how the Abyss Watcher got a Skin that popular.

Lux nodded agreeing with the Silver Knight. "Yeah, nothing can beat us Star Guardians," she said.

"We're pretty much the best group," Ahri said before gaining a deadpan look. "Even if the Star Guardians describe me as a stuck up," she added remembering the Biography of the Star Guardians.

"You forgot to add 'b*tch' to that sentence," Tiara added still glaring at the Nine-Tailed Vastayan.

Ahri returned the glare while Grey sighed with a hand on his forehead. He thought of something to change the subject. "Can we see it?" he asked.

Aki nodded saying, "sure."

The Abyss Watcher stood up from his seat and took a few steps back from the table. Aki waved her hands and Grey was covered in light before his new appearance was revealed.

Grey was now wearing a dark green space-military suit. It had a helmet with a glass visor that hid his face. The armor on the arms left his biceps visible. His knife was replaced by an army knife. His sword, however, couldn't be seen anywhere on him.

"It's called the Doom Slayer," Aki said as she finished the spell.

The Abyss Watcher looked at himself before looking at the others. "How do I look?" he asked.

"You look ready to rip someone apart," Katarina said and the others nodded.

"I like it," Tiara said looking over her brother's new form. "It has a 'don't mess with me' vibe."

Garen then stood up. "Well, the match should be starting soon, so I hope you put on a good fight, Grey," he said interested in fighting the Abyss Watcher.

"Oh, that reminds me," Ahri said as she looked at Grey. "Grey, I want you to go all out on this match."

The Abyss Watcher looked at her confused. "Why?"

"It's about time we see you get serious," The Fox Vastaya replied. Grey was about to say something, but she quickly added, "I know you don't have a reason to, but we should still see it… please?"

The Abyss Watcher sighed shaking his head. "You're not going to like what you see," he tried to reason with her.

However, Ahri just waved it off. "We can handle it."

"Fine," Grey sighed. He supposed that he couldn't always be laid back. After all, he has a reason to fight for now. "And Garen, I'm sorry."

The older Crownguard looked confused. "For what?"

"Trust me, you'll see," Grey replied before both he and Garen vanished in a flash of light.

The viewing orb appeared in the middle of the dining hall drawing their attention. Grey's current picture was of him standing on a mountain of Demons while holding one in one hand and the other being reeled back ready to deliver a punch.

Tiara started chuckling. "Oh, this is going to be a massacre," she said believing she was in for a show.

"Sorry, Tiara," Katarina said smirking at the Dancer. "But Garen is going to kick your brother's ass."

The Outrider Knight, however, just waved her off. "Keep telling yourself that."

"I just hope Annie isn't around to see this," Brite mumbled not wanting the little Pyromancer to be traumatized.

Inside the Match:

The Abyss Watcher appeared in the rift alongside the other champions. They were Ekko, Caitlyn, Braum, and Gragas, which meant that Garen was on the other team.

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