#48: Trust Me

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Looking to where Mrs. Hamper sat, she dropped the phone onto it's place. "You're being checked out."

Today, my mom and I have joint counseling, it's the only time she picks me up from school. Do I dread going? No, in a sense, I'm immune to the entire ordeal.

After gathering my coloring pencils, I zipped them into a small bag and tossed them into the opening of my bag. The room was silent and before getting up, my eyes scanned my area for anything I owned, steadily it moved elsewhere. Landing it's attentive focus on Anthony, who sat in a position that required him to look over his shoulder towards me. We emitted to sharing a blank expression as I got out my desk, I'm sure he watched me leave.

In the hallway, by nature, I keep my feet within the tiles but the more I failed to do so, I gave up and began to walk with my head up. Along the way, as I passed the gym, I heard students chant names from the Bible as they did jumping jackets. Amanda finds it a bit creepy, as for me, I don't have an opinion on the matter.

Much like I don't have an opinion on anything that surrounds me. It's all pointless.

Even when approaching my mom, I redeemed into a state of feeling adrift. Unconnected, and ready to nod my head as she asked if I was 'ready to go'. Such a pointless question, too, if you ask me.

Entering the outside, we walked under another gray sky and she asked about school. I replied vaguely, and we go to where the vehicle is parked. Re-entering a sealed space, a tight silence followed as the doors closed. Up to this point, I hadn't look her in the face, nor do I want to.

From parked, to drive up to a stop sign, my mom called out for me. "Amelia."

My eyes felt like they ripped from the window, her blue eyes looked rather enhanced as I waited for her to continue.

"I got you a spot in a competition next week, in Colombia, remember to mark your calendar when you get home, and mention it to your dad."


"So Amelia's hormones are doing a lot better, her brain scans are immensely different, and I'm thinking it's time that we go forth with eliminating the large intakes and only continuing with one, that being her anxiety pills."

I bite the insides of my cheeks.

"I would like to know what her father thinks, before we go forth with our decision."

My mom stammered a bit, I could see she was also chewing on the insides of her cheeks. It was such a generic behavior that I had stop.

"He's in agreement."

Her expression quickly changed, as her soft spoke voice became a stern one, "Shouldn't you have discussed this with me, first? Aren't I the one taking care of her?"

"I didn't want this decision to delay much longer so I went forth with speaking with him so we could finalize everything today, especially for the judge."

As she took a glance at me, I sunk a few centimeters into my chair as my hands tightly gripped onto the arm rest. My eyes then shifted to Dr. Blake, who was attentive to my behavior but also he forced a question I rather not answer, especially with my mom beside me. "What do you think, Amelia?"

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