#36: Ghost Boy

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Tuesday, December 15 2010

"Do you think if I ask Alex out he'd say yes?"

Amanda likes boys. She's liked four boys in the time I've gotten to know her.

"I sent him a friend request on Facebook" she added, placing my preselected cut outs in a pile. It's been a week and that's all she's done for our project so far. Not that I'm complaining- I rather be the one webbing out the facts.

As to our friendship, it's okay. She does most of the talking, as you can see.

"- he still hasn't responded."

It seems I gravitate toward people who are like that. I'm not sure why... yet again maybe it's because we naturally attract people we are "used to". It's very rare that we venture out to find people that are... different. From experience and although I'm at this very young age, I think fate provides those types of people. Could you guess who I'm referring-

"Oh! Did you ask your mom if you could come to Stacey's house on Friday?"

Mid-way, I shook my head as I continued to write out the facts of the oceanic currents and how it affects sea life. "I can't, remember I said I'm in the recital. There's no way I can go."

I had had explaining my opposition but as I said, now worded differently, I attract self centered people.

Immediately, I could feel her pity eyes lay upon me. Followed by, "That sucks."

Which is something she says too often when asking something of me. Well, that's if it's related to parties, hang outs, and my lack of a Facebook account. But I didn't mind, "Yeah it's whatever-"

I felt immune to being less... of what she and everyone else is, "-I don't mind."

And honestly, there was no reason to be at that party, anyway. And looking at our project so far, I assume we'll get a decent gra-

"You know what would be cool?" She pecked, changing the tone in her voice.


"If your mom wasn't so strict."

That's when my head finally lifted, her eyes are sea blue. My mom complimented them. It was triggering to see my mom in that way, being that she's always hated mine. Yet that feeling passes, even if it's slowly.

To answer her... somewhat joke, I looked toward my closed door and replied, "I know."

It was a whisper and that's where I got up to find the glue from my closet area. Bringing out a bin, I began searching, creating a noise that clogged my ears from hearing anything else. Once found, I walked out to find Amanda sitting at my old computer.

My eyes widen and before it booted up, I ran over. Taking the mouse from her grasp, I somewhat knocked her off the chair. She could not see that I was holding onto my old Sype account, in hopes that I'd get a message from-

"Wow! I've never see you so- Are you hiding something?" She asked, bending at the level I was at.

"No, I just have- there's just somethings I'd like to keep to myself." I stated as I pressed the off button. Her smirk didn't leave and it was avoided up till we were back on the floor.

Rose #9//Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now