#2: Loveless Marriage

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after birthday party.

Our new home, I hate it. Too many rooms for such a small family (Mom, Dad, and me) oh yeah- forgot, "precision of language" my mom tells me, so I correct that thought process: Mom, Dad, and I.

I sigh getting out the car, following my mom inside as she spoke on the phone- with my dad, who was away on business, "Amelia and I just got back- when is your flight to Boston? .... Remember it's my dad's birthday tomorrow"

She didn't speak for a moment, "Okay, I guess we'll see you Monday, yeah I'll let him know, bye"

We hang our coats, "So how was the party?" She asked, putting the phone back into her purse.

"Mrs. Ahr said thank you for the gift" I say, but my mom didn't speak, which usually happens after getting off the phone with my dad.

"Your excused Amelia, get to your room- I'll be up soon"

I go up the stairs and walk into my new room, boxes of my things were still out and needed to be worked on. I find the one labeled: Nightwear and change into the silky material, then went to brush my teeth. Washed my face and applied the oily substance that I was prescribed two months ago- (due to the constant dry skin I have durning the fall and winter time.)

I pull up a fresh pillow and lay down, my eyes looking up to the ceiling- waiting for my mom to come in to do her nightly inspection. But I knew she wouldn't, not after that phone call- whenever my dad cancels plans on her, it seems like she excludes herself from reality. I might be six years old, but I've seen it happen so many times before that I know what I'm talking about. My mom is harnesses to a loveless marriage.

To make that statement even more vivid, my parents bought this stupid house- thinking it would fix the flaws between them. (I know because I overheard their conversation, one night- three months ago.)

Now, we're stuck here- in Long Beach NY - for who knows how long... Maybe they will get a divorce, and I'll be traveling back and forth between them. Or they could fix everything and things will be okay?

But who am I to think this way? After all, I'm only a six year old girl, who's about to attend public school, starting Monday.

I take the pillow from under my head and smack it against my face continuously, knowing I would get in trouble (tomorrow morning) for the oil strain, this act was creating. But I was scared for Monday, with my luck- I know something embarrassing will happen and there's no way I could avoid it.

Like tonight- I was pushed and shoved to the floor- and called ew by the the birthday boy.


Rose #9//Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now