🌹Rose #4: Remember Now

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AN: Italics font is Gus's reflection, normal font is present event. Remember each Rose chapter is a continuation from the last.

Pass midnight, November 9th 2017

Let's have a baby...

Without confronting what I knew, I placed my hands at the round of her face and moved my thumbs downward to wipe away her tears.

She sighed and turned her head away. "We can't," she whispered.

No other word was needed to be said. From what I can tell, we just understood the dynamic— meaning this stupid, tragic story of us.

And for whatever reason, I thought back... I thought back to the time we snuck into Lindell,

This is the continuation from the previous chapter,


Those are the eyes that kept shifting as we walked closer and closer to the school we once attended together.

"So what did you do?"

The sky is gray and her dirty blonde hair is becoming more and more static as time went on.

"We just kept running, straight for the fence."

I'm telling her of the time a security guard chased me (and Emma) across the school's parking lot.

"Why did you guys ditch in the first place?"

Her curiosity had the innocence my response wouldn't, being that we (Emma and I) went back to her place to make out.

"We just hung out at the skate park."

What a lie, I know.

Looking over in her direction, I could see her nod— her eyes locked to the ground in front of us.

Just by the memories of her, I knew but asked anyway. "Have you ditched before?"

Her eyes re-engaged with mine as she tucked a strain of hair behind her ear.


There was a silence that only lasted a second, she then continued, "I mean, what's the point? Everywhere you go, it's all the same."

"Same, as in how?"

"I don't know, it's just— boring."

"If you're with the right person it's not."

Her lowering eyes lifted then dropped, indicating that I might've opened her a new perspective.

"Look, we're almost there."

Taking her by the hand, we cross a street and continued onto a sidewalk. She removed her hand from mine (as if I wasn't trying to at least hold on for a moment longer.)

Rose #9//Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now