#40: Figure

152 11 1

February 5 2011

The locker room (before and after practice) is the number one place where you hear about everyone and Facebook is usually mentioned as source /proof. Much like today, according to Sierra, she's worried that Cameron (her boyfriend of two weeks) is hanging out with a girl named Rachel.

"Aren't you friends with her on Facebook?" Darcy announced, directed the question in Sierra's direction, who's locker is next to mine. If standing in my assigned position, it's best you keep your head down. Not that they are mean per say, you'll just end up being questioned as well.

"No, she unfriended me."

In turning away and closing my locker, I kept my eyes to the floor and when in the clear, I looked up and met with Amanda's expression. Our brows rose out of amusement, and together we walked off.  Although we were lockers away, Amanda had to whisper what she knew, "I saw him with Rachel after school."

Out loud, and with a rather nonchalant tone, accompanied by a shrug of my shoulders, I replied. "She'll find out, eventually."

As usual, an uneventful practice did it's course, and when standing at my locker after showering, Sierra and Darcy's babbling mouths continued. Immediately, I looked back at Amanda— eye to eye we made another nonverbal decision.

Quickly, we mirrored each other's act, from point A to point B, we got out our duffel bags, slammed lockers, and made way to the old shower room. There, we went into separate stalls and closed the curtain.

"Sierra might as well put Cameron on a leash." Amanda joked, causing my lips to curve into a smile. Our silence intended the focus on getting dressed and when ready, we came out at the same time. As demonstrated, our body rhythm, after months of getting to know her, was finally in sync. By observation, you could tell, we, as a pair had the ability to get things done quick.

"We should have like a sleep over soon." The weary tone in her voice was referring to the authority my mom had. Tucking a few pieces of hair behind my ear, I nodded all while including a reassuring response, "Yeah, I'll ask."

In the foiler, we stood at the entrance as she began to talk, little by little, each word created newer things to say or mention. It mostly had to do with wanting to date Nathan, a sophomore that I've met through Anthony (the two cross country runners.) However all that came to stop when varsity passed us, Amanda was subconsciously silenced and in her eyes, if you look close enough, she admired them and her words followed, "I can't wait until we get our licenses."

I didn't have a response. There was no need to.

"Which reminds me, did you ask your mom if I could come over tomorrow after school?"

Recalling my mom's words, I nodded a yes.

"Cool, I was thinking we could make you a Facebook."

My eyes may have widen, and my throat tighten. If she only knew I friended her under the same fictional account I use to-

Just as my thoughts were circulating at ease, my eyes caught the view of a person standing in the exact spot-

"Amelia! Come one, Ms. Almara is here!"

With one toggle, from Amanda holding the door open to looking back to where the person stood, the figure was no longer there. The walking out and into the car was done in a latent state of mind, as my eyes stayed where the Figure... once stood.

"Amelia, mija."

Snapped, I looked at Ms. Almara, with a face that said I didn't hear a word she said.

"How was practice?"

Before answering, as we went out the gate I redirected my attention past her. There wasn't a soul walking, then I looked to my left, again nothing.

"Amelia, Bonita, are you okay?"

My head repeated another turn in her direction, "I'm fine, practice was-"

For half a second (literally) I came up with a blatant response, "Practice." In return, she smiled and continued the drive to a stop sign and for the fourth time, I turned my head, but this time it was to look back.

"My mom just texted, Ms. Almara could you please drop me off at my dad's?"  Amanda looked up from her phone, meeting eyes with mine. Quickly again, I looked at Ms. Almara, she nodded.  

Could it be that I was-

"Mija, did you bring your bag?"

At the nod of my head, everything became clear and when looking out the window, a smile and my roaming eyes began to look for the Figure


"You're mom said she's going to be late, if you need anything, as always I'll be out here." Although Ms. Almara wasn't completely heard, I nodded before eagerly grabbing at the bag. With each stroke of movement, the medicine inside rattled and when crossing the parking lot, the weight of walking wasn't as heavy.

Once standing inside, my head directed to the sight of the receptionist. Drifting over, I informed her about my appointment and without a lift to met my eye, she checked me in, "He's waiting for you."

Down the hallway and turning a corner, I moved across the tiles rapidly as the darkness surrounding me enabled a replay or what... who I saw standing at the fence.

All while being questioned by Dr. Blake, the need to see the Figure again was wanted. So wanted that my legs started an anxious rhythm, even Dr. Blake noticed it. "Everything okay, Amelia?"

Immediately, I nodded while folding my hands together, placing them between my knees, followed by squeezing inward to stop my urging tick. It also wouldn't hurt to add verbal confirmation, "Yes, I am Dr. Blake."

He gave a questionable look and continued his suspicion, "You're not as gloomy, could you tell me why?"

(As you can see, he ain't the most emphatic therapist out there.)

As a lie, I referred to my swimming, "My breath-stoke was done under a minute, I've been working at it for about three months now."

He gave a firm nod and we continued our session. For the most part, I kept my fidgeting under control.

"Well, Amelia, it seems you are doing good, I'm thinking next week we could do an assessment  on your hormones and if everything is in the clear, we can trying cutting back on your medication."

With the Figure back, less medication would make things/reality even better.


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