#34: Thirteen Years Pt 1 (2016)

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November 13 2016

Walking beside Anthony, she was preoccupied by all the thoughts in her head. The kind that just swirl and swirl until you no longer know where you mind is. With hands in pocket, her eyes aimless took in their surrounds. They stood in a furniture and appliance store, a place where woman of the rich go to buy things for a home their husbands never go home to. Amelia was aware of this, Anthony wasn't. He liked being with her, for as long as he could remember, she always carried this certain quality. Very soft spoken and witty, in the most subtle way possible.

However, when looking in her direction for the past week, he noticed that the corners of her lips curved in a way that showed she was in a rather auto-pilot state. It seemed today, he had to ask.

Anthony held up a vast, "Look babe, this would look great in the kitchen."

Amelia's folded arms unraveled, taking the item by the small of it's circumference. Turning it over, her brows rose and hand it back, "Why don't we try budgeting?"

Glancing at her, he chuckled and replied with sarcasm, "Yeah! Why don't we!"

She refolded her arms and continued walking down another isle of kitchenware. It's evident that Anthony's side creepy had to end. "Are you okay, Amelia?"

She tuck a strain of hair behind her ear and gave him a smile, the kind that curves as explained briefly. "Of course."

"Are you sure?"

Amelia had waited for this expecting... concern, but in the time of waiting she hadn't made an excuse. Her lips were partly open, eyes widen as if she was caught off guard.

What could be said?

But immediately as she pressed herself against his chest, what could be done came to mind.

Instead of answering, she head whipped from left to right, making sure that both sides of the isle was empty. Once confirmed, she stuck her hand into the front of his pants. Her alarming touch backed him into a shelf as his eyes popping out its sockets.

"What are you—"

He was exhausting and couldn't finish asking, his concern for her ended.

Hopefully, their thick-almost matching coats hide the act of stroking his shaft and it's finishing touch. Had she done something like this before?

Yes, could you guess who?

If you thought of Gus, who now shares an apartment with Layla, known as Too Poor and as of right now, Gus (in the seconds Amelia made Anthony came) ate gold fish of her stomach, his bleach blonde hair brushing further down her skin.

If there's a difference that Gus noticed it was that Layla's moans were exotic— Amelia's were more silent.

"I didn't think you would do something like that!" Anthony whispered, wrapping his arms around Amelia's head, pressing his lips against the roots of her hair, trying to contain his excitement. Smiling into Anthony's chest, her heart was bumping, pounding with such force that even Anthony had to mention it. "Your heart."

Shaking her head in agreement, she answered back. "I know."

You see, that's the difference. Their (meaning Amelia and Gus) affections never correlated, during their adolescent years they struggled to understand why. But currently, as Amelia felt Anthony's embrace Gus came to mind. Yet in an odd way, everything, in that moment became perfectly clear. It was a feeling that came so sudden and when lifting her head, she probed her chin on his chest. Their hands intertwined and the silence gave all the comfort she needed so she said, in a whisper, "I need to go to Los Angeles."

Anthony knew, oh hell he knew who she was about to see and looking into her emerald green eyes, there was trust.


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