Introduction - Jughead Jones

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Jughead Jones just moved into an apartment building after he got kicked put of his trailer back home.

Jughead's POV

I've only been living in this apartment building for a couple of days and it's really not that bad. My dad's kind of disappointed that I got kicked out of my trailer, but what does he care? He's a drunk.

But on the note of living here for only a few days I've started to hear yelling and banging for a few doors down. It's only happened once and I thought it was just a normal couple arguing or something.

Right now I'm out looking for a job to pay rent for the apartment and it's kind of hard. I've never had enough money and that's why I got kicked out. I've never lived a very rich life, but it never really bothered me. After my dad started drinking my mom took my little sister and left.

I wasn't successful at finding a job so I went back to my apartment. As I was walking back to my apartment I heard a voice yelling. It was a man. I decided it was probably just a couple arguing again and. Iwalked into my apartment. I decided to look for a job online, but then I remembered I could just work at Pop's back in Riverdale. I don't like very far away. I walked out of my apartment and went out to the parking lot and got on my motorbike and drove all the way back to Riverdale. It was only like a fourty-five minute drive. I walked into Pop's and there was the familiar chin of the bell. I found Pop at a table with my best friend, Archie Andrews, and his best friend, Betty Cooper. "Jughead Jones, is that you?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I looked over at Pop. "Yeah, Pop. I was wondering if I could ask you something." He started walking over to me. "Anything, my boy. Anything!" "I was wondering if you were still hiring?" I asked. "Uhh, yes, we are, but why?" He asked. "I was wondering if I could have it." "Sure! You'll have to be here by eleven and you can leave at seven-thirty." "That's perfect. Thanks Pop." "Anytime." He said and walked behind the counter and into the kitchen. I looked ahead of me and saw Archie and Betty standing in front of me. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey, Jug!" Betty said happily and hugged me. "Hey, Betts." I said and hugged back. "What're you doing here?" Archie asked. "Well, I needed a job to pay for my apartment." "Well, I told you, you could live with me." Archie asked. "Dude, I'm twenty-four I have to take care of myself." I told him. I had my arm wrapped around Betty's shoulder. "So, how far away are you living now. Since you got kicked out of the trailer?" Betty asked. "Eh, just fourty-five minutes away." "Oh, shit." Archie said. "It's really not that bad. Other than the fact that there is always yelling and things being thrown from a few doors down." I said. "What do you mean?" Betty asked. "It's probably just a couple arguing." "Well, if things are being thrown I don't think that's a couple arguing." Betty said worriedly. "Well, I don't think so either, but it's just not my business." I told them. "Well, I better get going." I said. "Alright bye." Betty said. "Bye." I said and started to leave. I saw Pop as I walked out. "Pop, when do I start?" I asked. He looked at me. "How about Monday?" He asked. "Okay." I said and left.

Once I got back to my apartment the yelling was still going. Now not only was there yelling I could hear the faint sound of a girl crying. I saw someone walk out of there room and the opposite direction of the room. I stopped them. "Uhh, excuse me miss. Can I talk to you?" I asked. "Yes, of course!" She smiled. She was an older woman around fifty. "How often does that happen?" I asked. She stopped smiling and looked down at where the yelling was coming from. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, that happens almost dayly. And sometimes nightly. You always hear the sound of a man yelling and sometimes you can can hear a woman crying." She said and looked back at me. "And nobody does anything?" I asked. "Oh, no! We've called the police once before and the young girl sent them away. It was no use in doing it again, and all the men that tried to help her usually got put in the hospital because of the man. They always tell the doctors a different story than what actually happened." She sighed. "Well, I better get going." She said and walked off. I looked down the hall where the yelling was coming from. How long could one man yell for? Certainly not a whole day. I just walked back into my room. Eventually the yelling stopped. It was about 10:28 when that happened. I could finally get some sleep. I put my phone down and fell asleep.

So, I know I'm writing like five other stories, but to be honest I don't care.

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