" Still persistent about this? " I asked.

" I want answers, so does Landon, F/n is his brother, don't you think he wants answers too? " He asked.

" The only answer you will be needing is at no one, but father " I said.

" You still regard Carter as your father? " He asked.

I throw the shards in the trash aggressively as I hear it shatter inside and I look up at him.

" That just sounds pathetic to me " he said.

" What do you expect me to do?!, He adopted me!" I stood as I gesture my hand to myself.

" I can't do shit about it!, I hate to even call him that!, All I ever wanted is a normal life with my family!, My mother died giving birth to me!, My dad died in his hands!, Meghan's life was on line at the time you cut her tube!, What the fuck were you thinking?!, Louise was pissed at me!, Clara is pissed at me!, Elijah is the only hope for this plan to work!, Marsh has no fucking clue about his own father being a murderer!, My life has been a living hell! "

Dante was eyeing my hand. I look down to see me griping the glass shard, blood dripping down. I exhale and throw the glass in the trash can as I look away.

" Wait, your mother died giving birth to you?, What about Meghan then, who gave birth to her? " Dante asked.

" Carter killed your dad? " Ein asked.


" Yeah, that's the truth, you wanted it out, the next thing you'll see, is my dead body "

~ Time Skip ~

" You can't tell Landon, or anyone " I said as I grip the pillow I'm hugging.

" But why hide it? " Dante asked, still with a bitchy tone.

" He made a contract with my dad " I said.

" What contract? " Ein asked.

" If I tell you, you'll tell Landon " I said.

" It's been an hour talk of you spilling everything out " Dante said.

" The contract holds all of Carter's criminal records, that contract is with another person, he made his own debt to that person just to cover up his tracks, as long as that contract is still in his hands, there's no way of getting my brother's, and sister's out of this " I said.

" He made a deal with my dad, he gets the contract but in return, I join the Shadow Knight, if I don't join by dad died, whoever make a deal with Carter,they always end up dead , no matter what " I said.

" You haven't explain how Meghan is from another mother " Ein said.

" Louise and Meghan are my step siblings, Elijah and Clara are my biological siblings, my dad got another woman pregnant before my mother was pregnant with me " I said.

" Marsh doesn't know all of this? " He asked, I shook my head.

" Marsh doesn't know a thing and it hurts me to lie to him, all he ever wanted is a sister " I said.

" We need to inform Landon– "

" No! " I stood up from my couch as I throw the pillow at him, Dante caught it and throw it at Ein.

" Hey " Ein whines.

" If you tell Landon, Carter will do anything to end you guys and use me " I said.

" Use you? " Dante asked.

" For the past six years, Elijah, Clara and I are trying to make this plan work, if you fuck this up, then we're all fucked " I said.

" This is just getting more and more interesting " Dante leans back on my couch.

I grip his collar jacket and pull him in closer to my face.

" Y/n " Ein grabs my wrist.

" Don't be a dick "

I let him go as I push him and Ein drag me away.

" How do you live with him? " I turn to Ein as I whisper.

" I don't know, I've never seen him like this ever since you know, you. . . . . " He gives me a sign as in he's talking about Nicole.

" She's talking bullshit to get in your brain " Dante said.

" How do you even have the audacity to say that to me, after everything I've told you " I said.

" I don't know, why don't you ask your boyfriend there? " He asked.

" It could be a made up story "

I turn to Ein.

" Listen, if we don't tell Landon this, things will get worse " he said.

" Things will only get worse if you tell him " I said.

" We're going to figure this out, don't worry " he said.

" What if something went wrong, and everything turns to chaos?, I'm blaming that on you " I said.

" How can you blame me, when we don't know what will happen, if we don't try " he said.

" I gave up trying, far long already, I had enough of trying, I tried killing him myself, and look what that got me into, I'm a slave to him "

" Please, let us try " he place both of his hands on my shoulder.

A tear escape my eye.

" If anything goes wrong, I will never forgive you "

My exams are over!!!!!!



~ Mariko

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