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This whole chapter is nonsense.

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Jungkook was sitting on the thrown which belonged to Maka the leader. He was drinking banana milk which was made by Maka's husband. Jungkook AKA Dora was living the time of his/her life. Boots was flirting with some hot cock (Domestic male chicken) he met a few seconds ago.

"-And what happened next?" One of the man asked, who was sitting on the ground, surrounding the throne, facing Jungk-Dora. Fake Dora was telling them about his adventures in Miami.

"Then I told Bella that her idea of stealing Selena's panties wasn't good. Then we ended up in jail because she called cops. Then Abel had to come and bail us outta there. While Bella, Abel and I were going back to the hotel, we saw Selena, she was looking at me with so much hate, and I was like 'Bitch! Go, don't mez with me'- You get it? 'Go' 'Mez' and 'Mess' it was a pun."

After talking for more than two hours straight- Jungkook the explorer was dying of laughing. He continued to tell about his 'Exploring' adventures to the people. They seemed to enjoy the way Jungkook was elaborating the stories with so much passion. They loved Dora, mostly because Jungkook wasn't a blind whore like the real Dora.


Joon was searching for Hoseok... In Jimin's asshole. But surprisingly couldn't find it. They were tried now. Where was Hoseok?


Hoseok was on top of Suga, fucking him mercilessly. Suga was moaning into kisses which were his passage to heaven. Hoseok was just too good at everything, his hips and lips- both moved with the perfect sync.


"So this is why y'all don't sleep all night and keep staring with wide eyes?" Tata said to Alwen the Owl.

He got high because he accidently smoked Marijuana which was offered by the same group of owls which Alwen belonged to.

After smoking, Tata went on a search for finding himself in the wood, and surprisingly he couldn't find him, how disappointing, right? Tata was feeling depressed because he couldn't find himself and then went into self-analysis of his life.

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