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I'm on a break but my dumbass keeps on writing this shit, Also I updated CRIME BUSTERS! YAY! It's super crack one shots. So GOGO BEBE and read that shit. it's funny just like this book lmao & tell me how's it.


Jimin took the dairy. His heart was going crazy, it was the first time that he would be going to communicate with the cannibal he fell in love with. It was going to be something he could never expect.

"Jungkook, you have to help me through this, okay?" Jimin let out, exhaling softly. Jungkook nodded, smiling. But suddenly-

"Oh man holy shit! Jimin, wait." Jungkook said and rushed out of the shed, looking around a few times he spotted the one he was looking for. "Tata!" Jungkook yelled and Tata turned around, looking irritated.

Jungkook ran to him like an anime girl, bouncing her big boobies and hands swinging around, looking slutty and cute at the same time. It can be stated that Jungkook was an anime girl.

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Tata chuckled as he imagined Jungkook with huge breasts, wearing a mini skirt with a pretty headband on top of his head. But a part of him thought of Joon's tiddies were evergreen, best and top priority, for which he cursed himself later. 

"Why are you laughing?" Jungkook asked, frowning.

"You looked like an anime girl. You'd make a good one." Tata said and laughed even more. Jungkook frowned, looking confused all of a sudden.

"How the fuck do you know how an anime girl looks? How do you even know what an anime is?" Jungkook asked and Tata... well, he stopped laughing and started question himself that how did he know what is anime?

"I meant Hoo hoo haa haa."

"What the fuck? You're not a monkey, you're a cannibal- You know what- Nevermind, come with me." Jungkook grabbed the older's hand, pulling him inside the shed.

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