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Thank you sm for 28.7K reads along with 2K votes. <3 I'm very happy and hope y'all are too. Be happy. Be healthy. Be good to all. Also, I know I'm not updating much these days and replying to your sweet comments because I am really very tired. Not getting enough sleep and shit due to college.


Okay, so... A lot happened. Like, a lot. And everyone regretted falling off that waterfall- well not everyone actually.

Jungkook was carried by the cannibal in his arms, Boots was sleeping on Jungkook's belly. Tata kept walking till they found some place to halt. Which was under a big mango tree.

The huge tree was protecting them from the rain which was soon to be showered over everyone, turning everybody's life.

The lightning strike through the navy shaded sky, the wind was getting wild every second. Trees were dancing to the rhythm of the noises made by the colliding of the clouds. It felt like standing on top of the most beautiful mountain and witnessing the world fade away due to the fog which occurred in the surrounding.

"I hear thunder. I hear thunder. Oh! Don't you? Oh! Don't you? Pitter, patter raindrops, Pitter, patter raindrops-" Jungkook was singing the nursery rhyme 'I heard thunder' in a small voice because- he really heard thunder.

Tata didn't mind because Jungkook's voice was soothing. It was smooth like honey and sweet like chocolate, but sharper than a knife and deeper than any lake. It was nice, Tata felt like carrying his own little radio wherever he'd go.

He placed Jungkook and Boots on the ground and went somewhere to get some leaves and dry sticks to light fire and made a hut. Standing beneath the shed of the mango tree wasn't enough to protect themselves from the rain.

It started to rain mild.

"Okay- Kiss, Marry, Kill- Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth."

"What the fu- Okay, Kiss Evans, Marry Hem- No! Kiss Hemsworth and Marry Evans- wait- Ugh- WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?" Monkey yelled and Jungkook giggled. "I'm a whore for Evans but I want Thor to smack his hammer on my pussy."

"You're a girl?" Jungkook asked, eyes widened.

"Bruh, no. I'm gay."

"But didn't you date Jessica?"

"She was trans. Plus, I didn't really like her."

Jungkook curved his lips in a nasty smirk and wiggled his brows like some 3rd grader when they hear their friends talking about 'Boobs and Vaginas'.

"You have a crush on me! That's why you were molesting my ass." Jungkook yelled, pointing at the monkey, and Monkey made an even-if-I'm-a-monkey-I-have-standards-which-you-would-never-get-up to-hoe look.

"Someone crush on me. C'mon!" the boy screamed and Boots shrugged, "I think huge dick guy kinda likes you." Monkey said in a hushed tone. "I mean, he's supposed to eat ya, right? You're his prey and you keep running away like an idiot and get yourself in insane trouble, but he keeps on protecting you. It ain't making no sense yo."

"Well, maybe he just wants to survive and need my help in this unknown place." Jungkook let out, but his mind continued to think on the point which the monkey pointed out. Why Tata keep protecting me?

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