it all begins

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Just a heads up, the beginning of this story isn't that great, so I apologize but it gets better the more you read. I promise that and my other stories are better😂

Kiahs POV

"Kiah"? I heard my mom say. I reply with a simple yes.

"You alright"? She asked. I was cought off guard and was staring out the window. Apparantley my mom had noticed. "Yea I'm fine, just lookin out the window", I replied with a small smile.

She said ok and continued to drive. We were on a family trip to Los Angeles. Its gonna be great!!!! I thought to took a few hours to get there, and I do not like long trips at all.

My mom told me that when I get there I need to be social and make friends.

I have friends just, don't socialize with them much. We were about an hour or two away. I dozed off into a light sleep. The next thing I know,my mom is screaming. I opened my eyes quickly only to find out that there was a giant semi heading towards us. Before my mom could drive we all were rolling in the car......

***an hour later***

Nobody had even bothered to call the cops or ambulence. I opened my eyes and winced at the pain I had received from the accident. I looked at everyone else. They were dead. I started to cry louder and louder and scream. This was horrible. I got out of the car and started to walk. I had no Idea where but I'm just going to walk.

Hey guys how did u like the first chapter. Its not that good,cause I just started writing books and stuff. So comment what u think. Thx luv ya☺☺

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