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As we walked out towards the guys, the attention grew. Once we got where the guys were, none of them spoke. They all were to busy drooling. I snapped my fingers in front of Shawn and tugged him from his dum dum trance. "Babe lets go, don't we have reservations?" I asked and they all snapped into reality, "yea lets go. Uhm....Dayum." He said.

We all made it to a very fancy restaurant and got seated immediately. I very old looking gentlemen waited our table. "May I take your order for drinks?" He asked in a very calm yet robotic manner. We all decided to drink champagne....except for me, and the other girls. After what's happened before, I really shouldn't.

After a few glasses the boys had become a little loose and crazy. We ordered our food and sat quietly. I ordered a small salad cuz I wasn't very hungry, everyone else ordered something casually big.

~after dinner~

Us girls were completely worn out. The guys on the other hand were...as u have guessed, were drunk. I carried Cameron and Nash to the car and made sure to lick the doors so they don't get out and took the keys. I went to go look for Shawn in the restaurant.

I looked near the bar and surprise surprise there's Shawn kissing a fucking waitress. I took a deep breathe and walked to Shawn with a plastered smile on my face. "Shawn babe come on your drunk. Again" I said and pulled him by the arm. I looked over and the waitress glared at me and told Shawn to call her only to receive a nod from him.

Jesus Christ men are fucking assholes sometimes. I shook it off and put him up front with me. "But I want to be up front!" Yelled Cameron. I sighed and had them switch seats and soon enough they were passed out. Us Girls drove them back to the hotel and brought them all into their rooms.

I handled Nash, Cameron, Shawn and Matt. Chloe took care of Jack, Jack, Carter, and Aaron. Khad was on Sam, and Taylor duty with Skye. We all put Advil and water near them and left notes. We went to a separate room and had an all girl sleep over.

"This will not be good for our flight tomorrow!" I laughed and the girls joined in. Our flight didn't leave till 11am so I set my alarm for 8am. "Goodnight guys," we all said goodnight and went to sleep.

~next morning~


I woke up around 9am and found Advil and water next to me. I took the Advil, drank the water and decided to go eat breakfast. This hangover wasn't too bad I guess. Walking in I saw Kyra peacefully eating a muffin by the window.

I got some coffee and sat across from her grabbing her attention in surprise. "Nash? What are u doing up?" She asked. "Idk. I was hungry so yea." I said and shines her a bright smile. She giggled and shook her head. I smiled at her goofy yet seriousness. Then my smile fades away.

"I'm going to miss you so much..." I said. I looked up at her and she was playing with her fingers with a sad expression on her face. "Kyra please say something to me?" I asked. She stood up and walked over to me and gave me a hug. I soon stood up, my tall figure towering over her small body and engulfed her in the tightest biggest a hug ever. Her little arms wrapped barely around my stomach.

I say down and noticed she was crying. "Hey baby girl don't cry! Oh please don't cry...kyra...please." I said now on the verge of tears from seeing her hurt. I wiped her tears and talked to her to take her mind off it. It went well. I made her laugh and smile. Till it was ten. The. We had to go get the guys up. I woke everyone up and Kyra went to go get her stuff.

We all went to the airport to say goodbye.


Once we arrived at the airport we only had ten minutes to say goodbye. I walked up to Chloe, khad and Skye first. We all did a group hug thing and laughed. "Ily guys so much, keep in touch." I said and they all nodded. I then moved to jack and jack. "Hey guys," I said with a faint smile letting a few tears slip. Johnson picked me up and spin me around only holding me tighter. My arms where around his torso and my face was nestled into his neck. "I'm gonna miss u so much!" I cried trying to hold it back.

Same with gilinsky. Moving on to Taylor and Matt. "I'll see u later twin!" Taylor said trying to lighten the mood. I nodded my head and gave him a big hug. "Matty come on bring it in!" I said tears still running down my face. He kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. "See ya around kiddo," he giggled and ruffled my hair.

Now Cameron and Nash. "I love u so much tincam! I'm gonna miss u bunches!" I said crying into his shoulder. I placed my hand on his cheek. He was now crying. "I-I love you too princess. P-please keep in touch baby girl," he said in between tears. I nodded my head and kissed his cheek.

Nash was already in a puddle of tears. I rushed up to him and gave him a tight hug. He whispered in my ear. "Please don't lose touch. Don't forget to text me. Please. I love you." He finished and kissed the corner of my mouth. I wiped his tears and walked away with Shawn. I blew. Kiss to all of them one last time and boarded the flight.

As soon as I got on the plane and was seated. I fell asleep.


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