again really

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I saw the girl run upstairs and I immediately ran after her. Before she could close the bathroom door I stop it. She stumbles back and hides her face. I walk up to her and she gets even more scared and moves back about to trip. I catch her just as she falls and pull her in holding her in my arms. She tried to pull away but I kept her in. She gave up after a bit and stood there. I held her and had a huge smile on my face. Her light breath gave me chills. She pushed away after a few minutes and walked out the bathroom. I went downstairs and saw her on the couch with her head in her hands. I sat across from her and texted her.

Me:please tell me ur name

Not thinking I would get a reply I set my phone down and looked at the guys who were making breakfast even though it was 5am. My phone buzzed, I looked down at it and smiled.

Her: my name is Kiah

Me: that's a beautiful name sweetheart.

I looked at her. She had no reaction nor did she reply. She just set her phone down and started down. I sighed and went to go get food. I showed the guys me and Kiah's texts. They smiled big just as I did. They all complimented her name. It was truly a unique name. Not many people have it. I looked at Kiah. She looked so alone and sad. But so peaceful. I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything was gonna be alright. But i didn't.


I told nash my name. I thought that I might as well. Nash told me it was beautiful. I didn't reply let alone have any reaction to it. I was so empty inside that I didn't feel anything. But when nash pulled me in for a hug upstairs i felt so safe. I felt like nothing in the world could hurt me. Then I realized it was all fake. So I walked out. I couldn't clear my head. So many questions ran through my head. After a bit someone came over and turned the TV on. I got a text from someone named Shawn.

Shawn: hey how are u hun?

Me: ???

Shawn: on the couch lol

Me: oh. Ok.

Shawn texted me again but I didn't reply. Like I said before I was to empty. I turned my back so no one could see my face. I looked at the TV. They were watching adventure time. According to them it was a manly show. I got on my Instagram and liked everything on there as usual. I then made a post. It was a pic of a puppy and It said hey. Since I only had unkown people on There I posted it. Immediately I got a bunch of likes and comments. Strangers saying hi. Then I saw........nash?cameron?Shawn? Carter? How did I have them on here. Then it hit me. They added themselves. Great. Nash liked and commented. Hey hun. The others basically posted the same thing. I rolled my eyes and got off. I went on vine and surprisingly I had over 21k followers. I got out of there and shut my phone off. I went upstairs and climbed into my bed and layd down. Nash came in and looked at me. He closed the door and sat next to me. I turned my back towards him. "Aw now come on Kk don't be like that." He pouted. And giggled. I started at the wall blankly. "Come on. Ur gonna have to talk sometime", nash exclaimed. I looked down at the floor and started thinking to myself. Snapping me out of my thoughts nash sat next to me. He startled the shit out of me. I jumped back and my heart skipped like a million beats. I started panting and i m guessing he noticed. He giggled and said sorry. I got up and was about to go out of the room but nash stopped me. He closed the door and stood in front of me. I took a few steps but he only moved closer. Before I knew it he pulled me in. The smell of him gave me chills. I stood there. He had a tight grip and I could barely move. He whispered into my neck, "u don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt u babe", I shivered and he laughed. As he wasn't paying attention I escaped his grip and ran out the door. I went to the bathroom and started to cry. I felt safe with nash but everything he said felt like a lie.


before kiah could leave the room I grabbed her and pulled her into the tightest hug ever. She didn't move. I whispered to her and I felt her shiver and I laughed. My hug loosened and she escaped my grip and ran out. Dammit. I ran after her but she had already locked the bathroom door. Not again. I heard her cry. I teared up and felt a tear on my face.

I Guess Im StayingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat