What do we do

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Ever since they left I have had Kyra on my mind. She calls once and awhile and I understand. I miss her though. Her smile, her eyes, her curly red hair. Everything.  We haven't really done anything besides meet and greets lately. This isn't really how I wanted things to go in the first place.

As I over think the things Kyra and I could've been doing together, I hear a loud knock at the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Just then cam walked in. ( I miss cash) "hey what's up bud?" I asked him. "Eh...I'm kinda bored. It's lame without Kyra and Shawn here. "I know it sucks😩," cam huffed and payed next to me.

"What do we do?" I asked out in the open. Cam shook his head, "i don't Know man, I don't know," we sat there breathing ever so lightly and thinking about everything going on. Shawn and Kyra don't come back for two months, we all are done with meet and greets for now, and bored as fuck. We're all normally so excited and hyper, now we all are just relaxed and I hate it, it's no fun.

*a week later*

"Dude that was so fun!" I said excitedly  and walked in to the house. "I know surfing is the best! It was hilarious when Sammy fell!" Cam said laughing his ass off. Sammy walked in sunburnt head to toe and it was even more funny. "Hey bro u alright! 😂😂😂" I laughed trying to hold it in. Sammy glared at me and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my phone and I had twelve missed calls from Kyra. And 17 messages. I sighed and ignored seeing as though I just had to get her out of my head.


*earlier that day*

This morning I was completely wrecked. The boys and Darla and I, I guess we were partying and now here I am completely lost in thought and i don't even know where I am. "Uuuuugh" I groaned in utterly pain as my head pounds crazily. I walked around the house trying to find Shawn. There were people scattered everywhere, some still even drunk and horny hahah.

I walked into a room and to no surprise I found Shawn. But....he's naked, with another girl. My eyes fulfilled with tears but I stopped them before they could pour. I took a deep breathe and woke up Shawn. Once he was dressed I helped him to the car and drove to Starbucks. The entire time I was quiet, as well as he was.

He cleared his throat. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Um yea I just...have a headache." I replied only half lying. He nodded his head and the place was quiet again. I sighed. "Let's go back to the hotel I'm sure everyone else is there too. Shawn got up in a swift moment and went to the car.

"Shawn....um...I love you?" I said and he looked at me confused. "I love you too babe." He said.

IM SOOOOOO FUCKING SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED AT ALL IN LIKE FOREVER BUT IM BACK AND AWESOME!!!! Haha but so are all of you! I love you guys so much I'm sorry it's short!

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