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I woke up and saw Chloe next to me cuddling...a vacuum cleaner? Hm? I turned my phone on and had multiple texts and missed calls from all the guys. Fuck. I looked through my texts and read SHAWNS first.

Shawnster❤️: baby girl I don't know why u left and got drunk but either way I love you so much. Please be safe. I can't live without you. I love you.

Me: I love you so much more and I'm so sorry. I'll explain later💘

Tincam💙: KYRA U NEED TO GET UR ASS BACK HERE. This is the second time in the week. Now!

Me: whatever cameron

Nashty boy💚: we are all worried about u. ease come back to the hotel. Please.

Me: never ️hahah

I admit I was still Alittle drunk but I don't care. Chloe shifted and grunted. " why ar ewe at the beach.....?" She said and looked around. She started laughing. "Fuck we got wasted last night!" She said and was laughing her ass off. *Ring ring*

Chloe's phone rang and she answered. It was Jack. "Jacky! Hey baaaaby!" She said. He was in speaker. "Where the fuck are u guys!" He screamed and I laughed.

Jack: kyra don't fucking laugh we have magcon tomorrow and u guys are getting drunk.

Chloe: Jack we will show up u don't have to worry about us.

Jack: I want u to come back to the hotel, please.

We sighed and Chloe hung up. "Come on kyra let's go." She said. "U go ahead. I'll be there soon." I said and she left. I walked around and found a dry sandy spot to sit on. I sat there thinking, and watching the water for about an hour. I got up and was about to leave when someone grabbed my waist, spun me around and kissed me.

I broke the kiss and looked at shawn, and a tear escaped. He wiped it with his thumb and held my face. "U bring the most worry in this entire family," he said and laughed. At that moment I broke down and started crying. I fell to my knees. Shawn kneeled down to me and held me in his arms. "It's ok baby girl what's wrong?" I pushed him away." Shawn it's not okay I lied to you look!" I said and pulled up my sleeve revealing my recent cuts.

Shawn lightly grabbed my wrist and kissed each mark, rubbing them softly with his thumb. "A kiss for every cut, baby girl you are loved. It may not seem like it but you are. I know that it's hard, but Ik ur strong. I love you with all of my heart." He said and picked me up bridal style,carrying me to his car. The entire ride was silent. Shawn held my hand.

We arrived at the hotel and shawn carried me to my room. He set me on the bathroom counter and washed all my funny make up off. He walked me over to my closet and picked out leggings and an oversized shirt that he left here and helped me take my dress off. He pulled his shirt over my head and had me put my leggings on. Shawn sat me on his lap and he started brushing my hair and putting in the loose braid. He held me in his arms and rocked me back and forth and started to sing all of the stars.

It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here
If sing to you

I started to doze off and fall asleep in his arms.


Chloe came back to the hotel without kyra. "Chloe where's kyra?" I asked and she said at the beach. I drove there and searched for her. And eventually I saw her walking by the beachside. She looked so beautiful no matter the distance. She was about to leave so I ran up to her, grabbed her waist spun her around and kissed her. She broke down crying and revealed her cuts and explained that she lied to me. I was hurt. But not because she lied, because she was hurting. I hate seeing my baby girl hurt.

I took her back to the hotel and washed her make up off, braided her hair and got her in pjs. I sang her all of the stars and waited for her to sleep. She needed it. Cameron barged in out of no where. "Kyra! Wtf-" I cut him off by shushing him. He looked at her and then me and nodded in approval. Cameron left the room and i laid down, laying kyra in top of me. She wrapped her arms around my waist. It was so adorable she was like your own personal cuddle bear😍.

She was out like a light. I could feel her breathing and it made me crazy. I sty here a bunch of things going through my mind. I pulled out the two pictures I had taken from kyra a while ago and looked at them. I set them down on her dresser and went to sleep.

*around 8pm*


I woke up around 8. But I didn't know I was sleeping for that long. I looked up and saw shawn. I was laying on top of him. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his slow Steady heart beat and I smiled. I got up and decided to walk around. I ended up walking through town. My phone buzzed, call from Shawn.

Me: hello?

Shawnster❤️: babe where are you?!?
He said panicking.

Me: I'm in town. I got bored and yea.

Shawnster❤️: Huh, ok. I love you.

Me: I love you too shawn

I said and hung up. I walked tot the park and laid on the slides watching the stars. Someone shadowed over me and I looked over. "Hey?" He said. I nodded my head. "What are u doing here?" Cam asked. "I was bored," I shrugged. Cameron sat down next to me. "I'm sorry for what I said about shawn. I should respect ur decision." I have him a sincere smile to let him know we're good. "It's freezing out here!" He yelled. I handed him my oversized sweater. "Thx little sis." He said and pulled it on. We chatted for the entire time. "We should pull a prank on the guys and Chloe." I suggested.

"I'm listening?" Cameron said and smirked. I told him my plan and we walked to the hospital. Surprisingly the nurses and doctors decided to go along with it. Of Course after me and cameron got on our hands and knees and begged ️haha. This is gonna be so awesome. "Cameron stay out in the waiting room and make urself cry. Got it?" I said and he nodded. "The doctors will call shawn and the rest of the peeps and they will rush down here. Me being the horrible person I am will pretend to have amnesia after having a concussion due to tripping."EVERYONE agreed.

I got changed into the hospital clothes and laid in the bed. The nurses taped wires to me and called everyone. I heard a bunch of shouting I. The waiting room and I was laughing so hard. Shawn busted in with red puffy eyes. "Kyra!" He yelled basically in my ear. I fluttered my eyes open. "W-who are you?" I said with a very well played attitude. Chloe came in. "Kyra please tell us this is a joke!?" She said. "What?who are you?nurse!" I yelled and she came in and started to pull them out. Shawn started crying so badly.

"NO NO NO PLEASE KYRA PLEASE DONT DO THIS I NEED YOU PLEASE! KYRA😢😢😢😭!!!!" He cried and I started to tear up. "Ok stop! Stop." I ran to shawn and held him in my arms. He looked at me and kissed me so many times I lost count. "Babe it was a prank I'm so sorry." I said and started to cry. Shawn wiped my tears. "You had me there for a moment," he said and smiled. Chloe came in and her eyes were red and puffy. " you bitch!" She said and we both chuckled. "Shawn I'm so sorry. I couldn't handle seeing you cry babe." I said and he smiled and kissed me once more.

We all drove back to the hotel. Chloe slept with Jack cause she was pissed at me and shawn slept with me. He kissed my forehead and we both went to sleep. Today I pulled a really fucked up prank. I feel really bad for putting shawn through that.


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