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I've been needing to talk to kyra about the whole dating shawn thing. I honestly don't think he's right for her. But Every Time I try to talk to her she disappears with shawn, Chloe, the jacks and lili. It was pissing me off. As her "older brother" I need to protect her. I woke up and went down to the lobby for breakfast and thank god kyra was there alone. I walked in and sat down in front of her. "Glad to see ur finally eating," I said and she smiled. "Kyra I don't think Shawn's right for you. He-" she cut me off.

"Not right for me!? Cameron why is it any of ur concern on who I'm dating. U can't tell me who not to date!" "I DONT WANT YOU DATING SHAWN! He will end up breaking ur heart! Ur better off with nash!!!" I yelled at her. Tears formed in her eyes. "Me and nash are friends and I'm keeping it that way. Shawn is my boyfriend and u need to accept that," she said in a hushed tone and ran off, I sighed and sat down.

Shawn walked in right at that moment. "Shawn I don't think u should date kyra," I said. He liked at me and rolled his eyes. "Yea is heard what u said to Kyra. Cameron I love her with all of my heart and I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way of that. I'm not gonna lose her. She's my world and look at her. She's happy. Respect that." He said and Walked off. Shawn was right. What am I doing. I decided to go for a walk. And clear my mind.


I ran to my room and licked myself in the bathroom. I heard a knock on the door, shawn. "I'm sorry," I whispered and found my razor. It's been awhile. I placed it against my skin and sliced three perfect lines.

1 for shawn

1 for cameron

And 1 for nash

I Wrapped my cuts and walked out of the bathroom, shawn pulled me into a tight hug. "Kyra u didn't did u?" He likes at me worriedly. I shook my head no. I just lied to Shawn. He sighed of relief and kissed me. Wiping my tears away and my runny makeup. Shawn picked me up and set me on the bathroom counter and washed off my runny makeup. "We're ur makeup babe?" He asked and i pointed to it. Shawn put in my mascara and fixed my eyeliner. Best boyfriend ever. He picked me up bridal style. "How about we go on a date tonight?" He asked. My face lit up. "Ok dress fancy." He said and left to get ready. Coe walked in and I told her. She squealed and helped me pick out an outfit.

*a loose blue and black strapless dress with a belt on the waist.*

*black heels*

She pulled me into the bathroom and straightened my hair then pinned some of it back. She put in a blue bedazzled flower. Next she did my make up, winged eyeliner, silver eyeshadow, and light red lipstick. I thanked her and grabbed my phone. "Text me if u need anything babe!" She yelled. "Use protection!" I called out and she groaned causing me too laugh. I knocked on Shawns door and he opened it. He was wearing a nice tux. " lookin good mendes!" I said and winked at him. " as well as u my beautiful muffin!" He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Ur lucky I love you otherwise I wouldn't have worn this stupid dress." I said and sighed. He laughed, "so where we going bae!" I yelled as we got into his car. All he did was smirk. After about an hour we showed up at a super fancy restaurant. "Shawn, this looks fucking expensive." I said and he chuckled. "Ur worth it," he smiled. We walked in and were immediately seated by some girl who kept smiling at shawn.

"Anything to drink for u guys?" She asked. "I'll have a glass of wine please," shawn said and she smiled and winked at him. "Yes and I-" she cut me off and just walked away. "And I want to kick ur ass," I whispered but loud enough for shaw. To hear and he scoffed and laughed. She came back a few minutes later and gave shawn his wine. "Anything to eat?" She asked and I was about to speak but she turned around and faced shawn. She touched his leg and winked at him. I got up and punched her in the face.

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