When The Demons Wont Lie

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Lunch had come and gone after the morning of the arrival of NJ's escort. And as such, this meant that the fleet that wasn't on sorties was spread around base. A duo in particular, walking alongside the water's front, was the pair of one Italian cruiser and one Russian cruiser. Molotov looked out over the waves of Tokyo bay for a moment before looking to Eugenio.

"Have you had a chance to meet the newcomers?" She asked, looking to the Italian cruiser. Eugenio looked up to the cruiser a moment, arching brows, before shaking her head.

"Ah, no. I assume you are referring to the Battleship New Jersey and the destroyer John Finn, no?" She inquired. When Molotov nodded, Eugenio shook her head. "Then no, I have not. John Finn has been sticking close to Admiral Johnson and New Jersey has been spending much of the day with her sisters. Besides, I am but a simple Italian cruiser. I doubt I would be that memorable to ones such as them." She said.

"But the two of them went down in the defense of your homeland, did they not?" Molotov asked, glancing at the cruiser. Eugenio nodded somewhat at that.

"That is one way of looking at it I suppose. But it is also another thing entirely that it is no secret that the world would rather keep the Mediterranean out of Abyssal clutches. And I can really see no better way to do that then a battleship. But I suppose it is a moot point now after everything that has happened. I suppose it is just fortunate luck on our part that Jersey wanted to once again serve her nation in her second life so readily as she had her first." She said. "I suppose, as selfish as it is given the circumstances, of how this all affects my own country's chances of sending proper leadership. As I understand it, New Jersey was crucial to maintaining any sort of defensive line for my home and people." She sighed.

Molotov chuckled somewhat.

"I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone that sees that as selfish." She reasoned. "You are worried about your home. And as reliant on the water as Italy is, it is only natural that you would be worried for you homeland." She said. "But it's not even been a week since things changed so drastically. Once the smoke so to speak clears, we May find ourselves surprised with the outcome." She said. Eugenio sighed somewhat as she rubbed at her face.

"It just seems so wrong. New Jersey has only just returned after being dealt a hand worse than I can imagine and I'm here worrying about my own concerns. Some fleet member I am." She sighed. Molotov chuckled somewhat at that as she looked to the cruiser, hands going behind her back somewhat as she did so.

"I believe you are worrying a bit too much for your own good. You've only experienced this life for less than two weeks and yet here you are, fretting over things as if you've been living for decades. I suppose the fact that you've not received rigging of your own just yet is helping nothing, but having a smile about life is everything." She said, shooting the cruiser a smile of her own. "I think your perception of things will settle once you find yourself battling waves with the rest of us." She said. "The ocean does good for the mind."

"I suppose." Eugenio conceded. "But I still feel that my concerns are...inappropriate at this current point in time. And sure, you may have reason with your logic, but I can't shake the feeling, no matter how much I try and justify it to myself." She sighed. Molotov nodded somewhat at that as she looked out over the bay once more.

"Your apparent concerns aside, you are enjoying your base on time, no?" She inquired. Eugenio held a moment before sighing, nodding her head in agreement, much to Molotov's pleasure.

"I must admit as much as I may have reservations about being in a fleet so different in so many ways, I must admit I am enjoying myself quite a lot. I had figured that because of so many national differences and the like, there would be more problems. Especially with the Germans, given my country's history in the war. But the Capital ships at least for Germany have been pleasant enough to live side by aide with." She admitted. "The Admiral Hipper class in particular."

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