The Peace And Quiet Never Stays

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The American dorms sat silent, the early morning hours still staking their claim to the world. The sky was still dark, the sun no where in sight, as the world went about its business. There wasn't a single awoken soul anywhere on base.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Or so there hadn't been before.

Arizona groaned, rubbing her eyes for a moment, before she stared up at the dark ceiling, laying there a few moments. After a moment, Arizona reached over to put a stop to the alarm, the time of 3:00 AM bleering back at her, causing her to squint at the light for a few moments.

After a few moments of silence, Arizona gave another yawn as she sat up in bed, stretching her arms for a moment. After she had done so, she reached over and turned on the lamp that sat on night stand, giving sight to her two roommates, Oklahoma and Indiana.

Standing, Arizona walked over to Oklahoma, the Nevada class girl still being fast asleep. Giving another yawn, Arizona reached down as she began to shake the girl awake, giving a few rough shoves. After a moment, Oklahoma's eyes began to slowly open, eventually staring up at the battleship.

"Arizona....?" Oklahoma asked drearily, her eyes threatening to close once again. Arizona in turn gave the girl another shove, this in turn rolling Oklahoma off of the bed and onto the floor on the opposite side. This in turn caused Oklahoma to get up in a flurry, glaring daggers at the Pennsylvania class girl. "May I ask why in the hell you did that!?" She yelled. Arizona only laughed as she looked at the girl.

"It looked like you were about to fall asleep again." Arizona said. Oklahoma only glared at her further, eliciting more laughter from Arizona as a result.

"For your information, I was not about to fall asleep again!" Oklahoma huffed as she crossed her arms. "I was only going to rest my eyes." She said, staring Arizona down as she did so.

"Oh, I'm sure." Arizona nodded. "And that means that you'd just be snoring for effect then as well, right?" Arizona asked, quite amused despite being exhausted. Oklahoma only glared at the battleship.

"I do not snore!" Oklahoma yelled. Arizona just laughed in response, her next reply already ready to go. But instead, a groan filled the air as Indiana stirred from her slumber, flipping over on her side as she glared at the two from her bed, her head resting lazily on her pillow.

"I'm not usually one for violence. But, I swear, there's about to be two battleship sized holes in the wall if you two don't zip it. Some of us get to keep sleeping for a few more hours!" Indiana seethed, staring up at the two from her pillow. Arizona only laughed in response, Oklahoma sighing instead.

"Sorry Indy. Try and bear with it while we get dressed." Oklahoma said. Arizona nodded, scratching at her bare stomach as she did so.

"I'll get the destroyers up and moving. You want to get Mary and Chicago?" Arizona asked. Oklahoma nodded as she walked to the bedroom door, opening it quietly. In doing so, more light filled the room from the hallway, eliciting another groan from Indiana.

"Is that really necessary?" The South Dakota class groaned as she tucked her head under her pillow, trying to stop the influx of light to her eyes. Oklahoma and Arizona only rolled their eyes as Oklahoma went next door to the room of two battleships and one heavy cruiser. Arizona, being considerate for the moment, gently closed the door, trying not to anger the battleship any further.

After she had done so, she turned her attention to down the hall, in particular the room that played home to the six Gleaves class destroyers. Not caring if she woke them or not, she opened the door with one quick motion. She stepped into their room with all the grace of a stampeding elephant, adding a few good stomps in for good measure.

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