Ice Cream On A Cold Day

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A/N: I've been sitting on this chapter for almost an entire year and it's been the bane of my existence. My inspiration to write this story isn't gone it's just dwindled since at one point I was putting out 6000 word chapters every week.

But thirty nine thousand of you have decided that this fic is still worth coming back to and for that, I thank you. It means a lot. So, even though this chapter isn't perfect and as long, hopefully it signals the end of a year long hiatus.

"Remind me again why I let you talk me into this?" The Admiral asked as she looked to the battleship sitting next to her.

"Because I'm several thousand tonnes of American steel and you're an Admiral with a messed up shoulder and bruised ribs. You needed this." She Answered. The woman in question rolled her eyes.

"I'm not sure I needed you, Akagi, and Enterprise escorting me the entire way." She said with a huff.

"Would you have come by yourself otherwise?"

The silence That was brought on by the question answered for her.

"Thought so."

Anya sighed as she looked away from Maryland, down at her own body. Her arm was now in a cast and her side wrapped after the incident the day before with Kentucky. The Admiral wasn't mad that it had happened. After all, she could be blamed for part of it. It's just that any injury of this caliber would lead to her getting dragged against her will to the nearest medical facility, which in this case was a clinic in the middle of Yokosuka.

Glancing over at the Colorado class battleship, who aside from making sure Anya didn't bolt for the door, was flipping through some magazine that they had on hand. Looked to be some naval magazine if Anya could see it right. And given them recent boom in naval interest because of the ship girl's arrival, she'd assume she was right.

Watching Mary, Anya gave a quiet sigh. After the incident that had landed them them in this current situation, Maryland had transformed completely. Gone was the previous care free battleship intent on laying Anya before the year's end, and in her place, a straight laced no shenanigans battlewagon.

It had caught Anya off guard that morning when Maryland had walked into her room at 6 a.m. to help her get ready without even trying to sneak a peek. It wasn't that Anya didn't like this new version. It was still Mary after all. But seeing the usual Lecherous battlewagon put on an air of command was both odd and confusing. But that was-

"Yuudachi, stop raiding their sucker stash." Arizona called from the lobby. "Those are for patients, not because you're feeling peckish." Called the battleship.

Anya groaned at the outburst as she rubbed her temple with her free hand as she got used to the feeling of her arm in the cast. After a moment, she glanced to Mary. "Will you make sure they don't break anything?" She asked. The battleship nodded at that as she put the magazine to the side and stood, walking for the door of the room that they were in, soon leaving Anya alone in the room alone.

Watching the door close, she turned her attention to the window, watching the life outside go on. Sitting across the street, under an umbrella, were Akagi, Enterprise, Shigure, Harusame, and Yamakaze. At first today, it had only been Maryland coming with her. And then the destroyers had wanted in. After that, Anya had known they'd need another battleship, leading to the selection of Arizona. She was supposed to be on sortie today, but Nagato had taken over the lead on that one.

Watching the clouds overhead, she couldn't figure out if they were getting ready to give even more snow than they already had.

"I don't think I've ever seen you more anxious than this." Sofia Answered from the side as she watched Anya. The blonde woman chuckled quietly as she looked to the woman.

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