Do We Really Even Know?

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A/N: Look at me? Being on a roll and all that shit.


She blew gently at the cup of tea in her hands as she left the soft swill of winds coming in from Tokyo Bay gently flutter over her. And then a moment later, she ever so slowly brought the cup of tea up to her lips, savoring the flavor that it held within.

"Hak-Attack!" Someone sounded from behind her.

Hiryuu sighed quietly.

There went her morning.

"Lay a hand on me in any manner and you will not remember what it was like to have that same appendage." Hiryuu offered to her would be assailant, her own head bowed forwards, her eyes slipped closed.

A brief moment of pause.


The footsteps that had been quietly closing in on her stopped for a moment before they resumed their pathing, albeit changed somewhat as they approached the side of Hiryuu. The fleet carrier glanced up to her left to find that of Hakkuryu approaching ever so cautiously, the fleet carrier watching her younger contemporary a moment. The bigger carrier hesitated a moment to meet eyes with the smaller of the two of them, up until Hiryuu gestured to the spot next to her before sipping her tea once more.

"Apologies, Hiryuu-sama." Hakkuryu offered in proper greeting as she bowed before taking the spot next to the carrier. Hiryuu yet instead continued to look ahead, out over the long tranquil waters of Tokyo Bay. She could hear the big carrier fidget in place next to her as she tucked her own knees under in an attempt to mirror Hiryuu. And yet still, the smaller carrier continued to watch the water move with the motions before her as she sipped her tea once more.

The bigger carrier dared not speak out loud without being given permission to do so, and Hiryuu knew she would not. So in that very moment, she enjoyed what remained of her tea and the returning peace now that the unsightly blemish to her morning had been reeled in to some, inane degree.

When she had sipped the rest of her tea to completion, she let out a short puff of satisfaction before ever so carefully putting the cup before her. After which, she turned her gaze onto that of Hakkuryu. The bigger carrier did not say anything, nor did she glance in Hiryuu's direction. Continuing to look out over the bay, she knew when it would be proper to interject. Hiryuu in turn looked back out over the bay even as Hakkuryu made to fidget in place yet again. It was not an unknown thing to the smaller carrier that sitting with one's legs tucked under oneself was not always the most comfortable of ways to present oneself. And Hakkuryu was more than vocal of this fact in the past, letting her displeasure be known both far and wide.

Hiryuu thought it amusing, but she also understood where the carrier was coming from. Not that those words would ever leave her mouth of her own volition.

Eventually however, she'd left the carrier to stew a good long while. Turning her gaze back onto that of the woman, Hiryuu watched her. "Hakkuryu?" She asked.

Immediately, the big carrier focused in on the carrier, her fidgeting ceasing almost immediately as she made to present herself in a noble way. Hiryuu took this in, watching her a time, studying her form and pose in the most subtle of ways before nodding her head.

"Yes Hiryuu-Sama?" The big carrier asked. Hiryuu looked ahead again as she watched the bay once more, even as she spoke to the woman.

"Are you satisfied to once again be amongst our home waters?" She asked, even though in her heart, she already knew what the carrier's answer would be. And that proved correct as the carrier nodded in affirmative.

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