Under The Surface

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A/N: Well, it only took eighty chapters, but we finally have an Abyssal focused entry. Bout time the ladies of the deep get some of their own time.


"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE UNDERSERVING BOTTOM-FEEDING CRETIN!" Someone screamed from behind her. That alone only served to prompt a smirk from her as she dashed through corridor after corridor, her arms behind her in a carefree manner.


"YOU'RE GOING TO WISH THE HUMANS GOT TO YOU FIRST!" Came a third, equally terrifying and ballistic tone. But she simply threw her head back in laughter.

Wheeling on her feet in one fluid motion as she continued to run, Empress White, proud warrior of the Arctic Queen of the Abyss, shot the three a grand smile as she flipped them the bird. This resulted in almost immediately, the three screeched at her as they pursued.

Something she didn't plan on sticking around for.

White howled with laughter as she dashed for another intersecting set of Corridors, cackling like mad as she did so. "You make too many promises, Europa!" She yelled behind her. "And Ank! Armo! I thought the two of you were better than this!" She laughed as she tore down the corridor, darting past various battleship's and cruisers who watched her go a moment in confusion before nearly being trampled by the three Rampaging princess's following after the Empress.

The first set of victims came in the form of three Wo's, walking along one of the corridors as they conversed with one another, apparently ignorant of the danger that was rapidly approaching them. But Empress White gave them no chance and no quarter to fix their mistake as she reached out, grabbed handfuls of all three capes, and pulled. She swung them around and slammed them into Europa, the European Water Princess halting dead sprint as she suddenly bore the brunt of the three carrier's colliding with her.

Ank And Armo continued on unhindered, Ank sprinting around them as Armo simply cleared the pile with a leap, the Armored Carrier princess dashing after the Empress as Ank, the Anchorage Princess, began to run along one of the walls, cracking the surface with each step. The two Abyssal Princesses darted after the Empress with all the intent to rip her limb from limb.

White, without a care in the world for her part, simply darted down the hall at a very inhuman pace, nearly bowling over a Re class just turning a corner. Jumping, she planted a foot on the battleship's head before pushing off, toppling the Abyssal as she used the being to make the turn. Firmly planting her feet on one of the walls, she pushed off with one, flipping herself back to the ground as she took off again.

The Re stared befuddled for a moment before she was promptly slammed to the side as Armo and Ank used her for a brace before digging their feet into the ground, cracking it even more as they made the sudden directional shift, bounding down the same corridor after the Empress. And a few seconds later, Europa brought up the rear, digging her feet into the same spot the other two had, further cracking the ground as she pushed off in a fury.

The three Princess's watched their query dart down the hall with rapid fire fashion, pursuing her with all the determination of hounds let off of their leash. And at the word of their Empress, Chuchki, that's exactly they had done. White had interfered with an experiment crucial to their lady's research and for that, she would pay dearly.

Ank And Armo tore down the corridor after the Empress, their legs moving inhumanly fast as their hands were more than prepared to snatch the Empress into their grasp at the first chance they got. But faster than her two heavier counterparts, Europa took up the lead again, dashing after the Empress faster and faster.

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