Do Their Crowns Not Yearn For Chains?

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A/N: Here we are again, pretending I have an upload schedule and that I'm always around like a good person.

Very much am. Is always here. Am omnipotent.

Ah well. Enjoy the chapter.

You guys are the best.


"No! No! No! Stop! Stop! Stoooop!" She screeched, but it was all for naught as she watched the woman before her end up tumbling forwards, slamming into the desk before her and all but wiping it's surface clear of everything that was on it. She watched in a careful and ever so delicate mix of morbid realization and dreaded curiosity. She slammed her hands into her face at an unsafe speed as the woman before her tried ever so desperately to keep anything else from going wrong.

Only for the entire desk to buckle under her total weight, leaving the woman sitting on top of a mess that she never could have imagined not even thirty seconds ago.

"I'm gonna take it that that wasn't supposed to happen like that." Kara reasoned from the sidelines, Olivia offering a noise of agreement as the two women only watched what could aptly her described as controlled chaos. And then promptly ducked as the metal pipe came flying at them, Kara pulling Olivia down in a careful but quick way as it slammed into the wall behind them, Kara quick on the return. "CHUCHKI!" She screamed.

"FUCK OFF!" Chuchki returned, offering the woman a gesture involving a single middle finger raised and nothing else to give. It was a gesture that Olivia had taught the Empress rather soon after meeting her, and Chuchki very much adored it. "No one asked you to be here anyways, and it's not like I need it!" She yelled back.

"Evidence is telling me a whole other Novel." Kara replied.

"Story." Olivia corrected quietly.

"Story!" Kara hastily added.

"Go fuck yourselves." Chuchki responded before turning her attention to the woman now laid out on the broken table, for a reason completely out of her control. Chuchki rubbed her face with both of her hands in turn, groaning into them in a loud and undignified way before letting one drop to her side as the other rested on the top of her head. "Habba...?"

"...sorry." The large woman quietly added from her position on the ground. Chuchki only looked over a moment longer before sighing, making her way towards the woman. But she stopped midway as Arctic moved past her, towards the downed woman, leaning over as she offered her a hand. Good thing too, Chuchki knew, simply put because she herself couldn't begin to compare in strength wise with Habba. She watched as Habba took the offered hand, pushing herself off of the ground and wreckage of what had once been the table or desk as she brushed herself off. "...sorry."  She told again.

Arctic simply chuckled as she brushed a bit off of the woman herself. "You're quite alright, I assure you." The Queen told her. "Doesn't look like too much beyond the table was broken and I've no doubt in my mind that Chuchki can replace what was. My concern is getting you out of these heels that Chuchki insisted you simply must wear."

"My Queen!" Chuchki called indignantly. Arctic only offered a sparing chuckle, the tone in her voice dancing a line somewhere between apologetic and amused, she eventually offered her Empress a surrender.

"Yes, yes, I know the heels were my idea." She offered as she guided Habba towards a seat that would provide for the woman. Easing Habba down, trying not to wince every time the woman's strength came baring down on her wrist or hand, this finally allowed Habba the means to remove the heels.

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