Coming From Down Under

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A/N: Eighty K. EIGHTY K.

I am thousand short of eighty thousand people who have read this story. That right there is amazing and I thank you all for it!

Eighty K!

That being aside though, I've been noticing a lot of people on Wattpad going around saying that like 4500 hundred word chapters are the best range.

I'm curious if any of my readers have problems with the chapters I put out like the 10500 word behemoth you guys have here.

Probably won't stop writing em like that.

Just curious is all.

Anyways, enjoy.


She watched the arrow fly in silence.

She watched as it soared past it's target.

A miss.


She quietly drew another practice arrow from her quiver, looking it over, glancing for any sort of imperfection in it. When her trained eyes find nothing of the sort, she takes a breath as she nocks it with her bowstring, her eyes darting to her target as she readied her stance once again, pulling the arrow back as she focused in on her target.

She was a trained warrior of her nation.

Her mind should be of a single focus.

After a moment, she let the next arrow fly for it's target.

She watched as it, like the seven others, missed.


She lowered her bow slowly as she eyed the arrows that had missed their targets, instead burrowing their heads into the grass that lined the firing ranges of the Carrier range. Her gaze darted to each one for a moment before letting it wander back to the target that sits there, as if it was mocking her. She closed her eyes a moment, her grip tightening on her bow a moment. But it did not break, not even while under the pressure of a carrier's grip, even a standard carrier like herself.

The carrier range's silence bends to her and her alone, her breathing the only source of noise aside from the distant waves of Tokyo Bay, lapping up against the shores of the base. But she does not focus on that, she does not pay attention to that. Her target is the only thing that warrants her attention, and even it only just.

The carrier's mind is in a race in of itself, racing from thought to thought as it tried to reach a conclusion. Why did she feel this way? Why was she so concerned with this? There was nothing there. There was nothing to be had.

Her eyes darted to the target once again. But this time, she did not go for another arrow. Instead, she simply stood there, letting the breeze go by her, chilling the Carrier range somewhat as the lone carrier stood there in the early morning. The sun hadn't even started shining down on Tokyo Bay in the early Japanese morning.

Once again, her thoughts began to lean towards the direction of her object of interest. At first, it had been harmless enough. She'd followed in her footsteps to keep her from making a mistake. She had kept her long for the moments needed for her own sisters to arrive, to show her that she was wanted here. She'd known what to say at the time to put a stop to her plan, to keep her with them all.

And in the months since, she'd formed an unlikely friendship that even she herself hadn't seen coming. But as the months wore on, and days passed one after another, new feelings began to creep up within her, feelings that she herself could not explain.

This should not be her concern. Her concern was for her country, for her people, making sure that the Abyssals did not encroach on them. Making sure that they did not kill them for sport and decorate the lands of her country with their blood.

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