When Two Nations Meet Once Again

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"Why did we have to get up so early? The other four get to keep sleeping!" Lexington huffed as she, Langley, Enterprise, and Anya made their way towards the Carrier Range. Enterprise elbowed the Essex class carrier in the side as she gave a glare.

"Because we were ordered to, Lex." Enterprise snapped. Lexington looked at E with an incredulous expression.

"And you're telling me that response didn't have anything to do with sheer exhaustion?" Lexington asked in response. The Yorktown class girl simply offered a glare in return. Before the two could bicker any further however, a voice spoke out.

"You two." Langley began. "Stop it. We are up at this early hour because we were told to. There is no use bickering." The carrier stated. No, rather blatantly told. Enterprise and Lexington fell silent at the intervention, but sent each other one final glare before looking ahead once again.

"So... Exactly why are we up this early?" Lexington asked, giving another yawn as her body began to full awaken. If she were still a ship, she might compare the feeling to her crew heading to their stations to start the day.

"As I said yesterday, you three will work with the Japanese carriers. Or, more so, they will be teaching you their method of launching your planes. Which, as I informed you yesterday, is archery." Their Admiral explained.

"Do we have to use archery? I get the feeling a rifle might fit the job better... Or maybe even a crossbow..." Lexington wondered aloud. Anya gave a nod.

"As interesting as that theory may be, Lexington, there have been no strides in those subjects yet. The coming months may yield results to your liking, but for right now, it's going to be the basics." Anya replied. Lexington offered a shrug in response as Enterprise decided to speak.

"So are you aware of who will be teaching us?" She asked, to which her Admiral shook her head.

"I do not. But my guess is that Houshou does. Who is exactly I'm hoping to meet up with this morning." Anya explained.

"You sure she'll even be there this morning?" Lexington asked. Anya gave a nod in response.

"Yes I'm sure. She's there every morning." She responded.

It was currently 6:35. After Anya had gathered the three, they began to head for the carrier range. Once again dressed in their Sailor uniforms, freshly cleaned, they made their way towards their destination. Enterprise ran a hand through her still slightly damp hair.

"Showers are.... Well they're something alright...." Enterprise mused, which Anya offered a nod in response.

"Was it too cold when you stepped in? Captain Algerona said she heard a shriek when she was walking up to make sure you all were ready." Anya asked. Enterprise shook her head, instead looking over at Lexington with an amused expression. Lexington gave a huff in response.

"It's not my fault! How was I supposed to know?" Lexington demanded. Langley bit back a small laugh as she answered the girl.

"Maybe look to which way you turned the control? One side is labeled hot and one side cold..." Langley offered helpfully. Lexington rolled her eyes.

"How was I suppose to know? I had just woke up!" Lexington replied, to which Langley rose her hands as if to calm the rattled carrier down.

"It's fine dear. Just, try and be more observant next time..." Langley answered. Lexington simply gave a groan in response.

"Don't you laugh at me, Admiral..." Lexington sighed. Anya simply smiled.

"I would never." Came the response.

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