One By One

960 18 14

A/N: Heh.


The Italian Sun shone high in the sky above her, pushing on as it attempted to beat back at the potentially cloudy day that was trying to make itself known to them. She glanced up to it, shielding her eyes a moment before continuing on her way, passing bystanders here and there, all swept up in their own business or matters. They kept their heads down, bypassing any trouble they might find themselves if they looked too much. She watched them pass her by without as much as a thought, Italian, American, other alike. The same that weighed her down to Earth did not affect others the same it would seem.

The loss of New Jersey still hung over her like a cloud, reminding always of what was lost and what she failed to do. They were placed under her watch, put under her command, and yet when the smoke had settled, she was gone.

There were those that offered her only comforting words and passing phrases in support for the happening. And then there were those that offered her only silent glares and crossed luck when she came upon them. Luckily, and fortunately, most all of the Americans she had met or crossed paths with this far pressed their sympathies upon her or offered her quiet apologies. More of the vocal agitators in this case had been her fellow servicemen and women of her country or civilians that were in the know.

But that was also largely and almost entirely contained to the base. Here, walking down the street, heading back towards the hospital to continue her wait. A wait that she wasn't sure would ever had an end to it. Part of her wanted to see the Captain finally wake up, but that same part was already dreading the next part of that issue, the next stop if Captain Young were to awaken any time soon. They'd have to approach the subject of her brother, either she by bringing it up, or Captain Young herself broaching the subject.

If she was being honest with herself, there was almost an overwhelming part of herself that willed the woman to never wake up. To never have to go forth and face this new reality she found herself within. To never have to look at the faces around filled with every emotion under the sun and be able to face them.

To never have to worry about it.

She only came out of her stupor to step around someone just stepped onto the street in front of her, offering they and there's a small nod in passing before she rounded the corner, never to see them again. Valeria watched the daily lives of those around her continue, progress unhindered by her as she finally began to approach the Hospital.

Digging her phone out of her bag, she checked for any new messages. But the only messages were a mix of asking how she was doing and what were her plans in the near future from a multitude of people including friends, family, and most importantly her mother. She ignored them for the moment, shrugging them off for the most part as she slipped it back into her bag as she walked along. She made a mental note to respond to those at a later date, the older ones taking priority. But given that most if not all of them were from the last few days alone, priority was somewhat all over the place.

She watched a few people come and go from the hospital as she herself made her way inside, walking by families or others simply gathered together amongst the lobby and it's extending corridors. But when she went to stand before the elevator, hitting the button to call it to her, someone came to a stance next to her.

The woman didn't seem to notice her, or if she did, didn't comment or ask about her at first. When the elevator door opened, Valeria and the woman clearing the way for those inside to make their way out, Valeria offered the woman the first spot on which was accepted rather easily. At that, Valeria followed her in as the door closed behind her, enclosing the two of them together.

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