The First of Many Mornings

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Author's Note: I have not actually played the game, so as we go on, if I happen to misspell one of the girl's names, let me know.


The alarm rang through the dark bedroom, filling the silence that formerly occupied it. A constant three tone, high pitch noise repeatedly filled the air, intending to wake the occupant. And it seemed to have worked.

A tired groan filled the air as Anya reached over and slammed her hand down on the alarm clock. The alarm ceased as Anya sighed, looking up at her digital clock from her pillow with one eye. The numbers 5:30 bleared back at her in neon blue, as if taunting her silently. With another sigh, Anya turned the clock away from her as she sat up in her room.

Reaching over to her left, finding the lamp that sat on the bedside table, she felt around for the switch. When she finally had, she gave it a push, light soon illuminating the room. She sat there for a moment, letting her head fully register that she was awake, before continuing with her routine.

Anya believed in regular exercise. And just because she was halfway around the world from home didn't mean that would stop. That's why she currently found herself hauling her half asleep form out of bed at 5:30 in the morning to run laps around base for an hour and a half. All in the name of exercise and physical health. That's what she told herself anyways.

She quickly stripped away her sleeping attire, it consisting of a button up shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. She soon replaced that with a white sports bra, soon pulling a black tank top over that. She then pulled on a pair of underwear, soon covering them with a pair of black athletic shorts. She dug through one of her bags, soon finding the items she needed. She pulled out her IPod and it's holder as she put them on the bed for the moment, now turning her attention to her hair.

Untangling the mess that was ever present just like every other morning, she worked on straightening her hair as well as she could, getting rid of the knots that were calling her blonde locks home.

When she was satisfied that her hair was relatively managed, she prepared to put it into one long ponytail, her hair seeming to cooperate for the moment. Soon enough, it proved true as she secured her hair in a ponytail holder, giving it a wave for good measure.

When she was sure her hair would stay, she sat down on her bed, getting ready to pull her shoes and socks on. Quickly doing so, she got her shoes tied before she moved to her arm band. Sliding it up her right arm, securing it around her bicep, she placed her iPod in the dock secured to the armband.

With a yawn, she plugged a pair of headphones into the device, soon placing the earbuds in her ears. She pressed play on the IPod as she exited her bedroom, located within the second floor of the American HQ building at Yokosuka.

She quickly and quietly descended the stairs to the first floor, wishing not to awaken Sofia, even if they were in separate bedrooms. She had learned rather quickly during her time at the Naval Academy that waking the woman even a minute earlier than needed could result in dire consequence. Which usually meant a well placed bruise, even if they weren't fully intentional.

Quickly opening the front door and slipping out into the morning air, she paused her music to listen to the ocean for a few moments while she neared the front of the base. The ocean had always had a calming effect on her, her nerves no match for the sounds of the waves lapping against the shore. And growing up along the east coast only strengthened this.

During her childhood, when her parents were away on duty, she would often find herself alone more than not. Yes, her brothers and sisters were there, but sometimes all a child wants is to be within the arms of their parents, feeling protected and secure. Having two Generals as parents didn't make this easy, but she knew their jobs were important. So when her parents could not be there for her, when her siblings were in their moods, the ocean was there for her. The water comforting her, as if telling her whispers that no one else could hear nor understand. The water gave her solace, and she was content with that.

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