Rest And Relaxation At Last

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Author's Note: Once again, a big thank you to The_Atlantic_Queen for helping with some roles in this chapter.

Arizona gave a yawn as she and the fleet approached the apparent docking locations. This is where the destroyer had lead them too, and Arizona was willing to take the Captain's word on it considering the look of the place.

Unlike the other buildings of Pearl, some having marks upon them, some having visible storm damage, this place just looked new. Cut straight into the land from the water, it looked like a large warehouse overstaying it's welcome on the water's surface.

Watching the destroyer continue on it's way a moment, Arizona looked back to the building as she readjusted her grasp on Haruna, making sure the Battleship wasn't about to fall. Giving a nod, she gave the sign for the Fleet to approach the Warehouse.

And as they did so, the doors began to open, giving sight to within the building.

The water surged into the building, filling the floor as Arizona carefully entered the structure. As she did so, movement caught her eye.

Hosted above the water, about midway up the far wall of the Warehouse, was a glass booth like structure. And sitting inside was a woman dressed in the normal NWU's. She seemed to be surrounded by electronic equipment as she tapped away on what looked like a keyboard. After a moment, she pulled what looked like a microphone attached to a stand connected to the ceiling down to her level, giving it a tap.

The resulting noise sounded through the speakers a moment as she tapped on the mic. After she had done so, she took one last at one of the screen's next to her before gazing down at the fleet, giving a wave.

"Can you hear me?" She asked, running a hand through her russet brown hair as she looked at the group. Arizona gave a nod in her direction. The woman nodded. "Good, good. It's working then. Anyways, I should probably welcome you guys to Pearl. So... Welcome, I guess. I'm Whitney, and I'll be one of the main aides to you girls during your time on base." She introduced. "But there's time for that later. Let's get your girls on dry land again." She said.

Arizona only gave a nod. "A question though... Can you even hear us all the way up here?" She asked, speaking at a normal tone to see if she could. Whitney only nodded from her seat above as she answered.

"That I can. I can hear you all perfectly, whether yelling or whispering and everything in between. But anyways, let's get going. If you ladies will direct your attention to the sides of this building, we can get this started." She replied. The fleet gave various nods as some of the girls looked to be right while others looked to the left.

As they did so, they saw now that portions of the elevated walkway, a few feet above the water's surface, were now being lowered to below the water's surface, giving the girls a place to stand on the solid surface. Whitney only chuckled as she spoke again.

"Alright. We're gonna need a volunteer for this part. So if one of you girls wants to head on over to one of the slots, I can get this next part explained quickly and efficiently." She explained. The fleet gave each other a glance before Musashi shrugged, sailing forward to where she was now floating over the submerged piece of walkway.

As she did so, a small screen slid out of the rest the walkway, soon activating as it presented itself to the girl. As it did so, Whitney spoke again.

"That screen in front of you, that's what you're gonna use. The launching and docking programs for this building. They're the same programs that the launching chambers up at Yokosuka use, so there's no difference besides the location. So Musashi, if you wouldn't mind finding your name, you can see what I'm walking about." She explained. Musashi only nodded in response as she looked over the screen, scrolling through the various names.

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