Fighting Off The Hoards

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Shigure and Harusame barely dodged a few shells falling over their heads as they continued to try and process everything that was unfolding in front of them. None of the allied fleet had fired a single shell because the Abyssals were doing that for them. With excellent marksmanship might they add.

As they continued to dodge the occasional shell coming their way as a misfire from the supposedly enemy fleet, as opposed to the so called friendly fleet, they turned their attention back to the Missouri, who was still stuck in a backwards motion. And not only that, but her turrets were still skewed, the two forward mounted still at max elevation.

And the rear wasn't much better off, still straight as each gun had been set to a different elevation level, none of which would be helpful. It seemed as if the Missouri crew had gone insane.

Which, would be considered perfectly okay considering the situation in which the fleet now found themselves.

Facing an Abyssal fleet. Supported by an Abyssal fleet. And not just Abyssals, but Abyssal Warships if the decorated hull of Mutsu was anything to go by as her forward guns spit up another four shells, landing among the opposing fleet. Following suit were the other three battleships that the Snow Fleet had brought to the party, the sounds brining back memories rather well forgotten.

But as they watched the surface fleets ford through the confusion and the dogfights overhead blaze away at each other, Snow Fleet Vs The Abyss Fleet, something occurred to Harusame. Something that bothered her to no end.

The Allied Fleet had not engaged.

"Hey! Arizona!" Harusame called over the fleet wide Radio. It crackled to life a few moments later, Arizona on the other side of Missouri as she answered.

"Yeah, Harusame?" Arizona asked in response as she watched the forward Snow Battleship line fire off another round of Salvos.

"Since when did we let the Abyssals take our job for themselves? Isn't it us who is supposed to engage Abyssals, not Abyssals themselves?" She asked. "How long are we gonna sit around with our thumbs up our asses and wait? Until the Fleet of the Abyssal is just a memory?" She demanded. Silence ensued for a moment before Arizona let out a bark like laugh at that, joined in turn by some of the other American Ships, Oklahoma and San Diego to be noted.

"Yeah! Since when did we let a little confusion stop the U.S. Navy!? If anything else, it just adds to the trophies in the end." Bristol giggled, laughter following from her sister's. And as if on cue, Arizona spoke again.

"Fleet, full engagement. Don't pull any punches for the sake of our new.... pals here..." she said. And as if one cue, the fleet made their way forward to the front lines, the destroyers sailing past the Snow Fleet's battleships and cruiser's, the beings watching them sail by but making no move towards them, their haze licking upwards. And for good reason as well, as the allied fleet's cruiser's and Battleships began to slot in amongst those of the Snow, the groups trading uneasy glances with one another before they focused their sights on the Abyss as one power, guns aligning left and right as the Allied fleet fired, namely the battleships to begin with.

Shells soared through the air, the whistling noise there in an obligatory manner before reaching the peak and starting their downward decent.

Their downward decent into hell. There were so many resulting explosions among the forward lines of the Abyss fleet that those of the Allied briefly lost sight of the opposing fleet. It only worsened when the Snow's battleships fired as well, further adding to the carnage of the ensuing battle.

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