New Faces

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Anya stood once again on the bridge of the USS Norfolk, watching as the three Japanese ship girls escorted them to Yokosuka, the naval base that her and captain Algerona would be spending the foreseeable future at.

"So.... Any certain worries that you have since you'll be staying as well?" Anya asked the woman standing next to her, now decked out in her uniform instead of the NWU's she had been wearing before. The admiral adjusted her own uniform as Sofia spoke.

"I'll be honest. I'm a lot more nervous now than I was when you first boarded the Norfolk. I figure I'd just be doing a touch and go, maybe stopping to refuel. But now that I'm staying... Well... You can say that it's a bit of a game changer...." Sofia replied as she looked over the last details of her uniform. As she did so, she watched the three ship girls glide across the water in front of them, seeming to be holding their own conversation with each other. "What do you think it's like? Being able to just glide across the water like that...."

"I imagine that it's a pretty pleasant feeling. But for right now, let's focus on making a good impression. The last American's these girls met didn't leave a great experience for them. We need to show them that we don't harbor any ill will towards any of them. This means don't give into any taunts or such they throw your way." Anya said, looking over at Sofia. The latter nodded in understanding.

"Well yeah. I'm not gonna go around picking fights with a bunch of Japanese warships who only need the slightest reason to see the American people under a negative light. I just fear for the warships we'll be bringing through...." Sofia answered in response. Anya nodded at this, seeing the sense in it all.

"Well that's good... I suppose we should get ready since Yokosuka is 10 minutes out." Anya offered. Sofia gave a nod, and soon enough, the two naval officers were making their way through the Norfolk, heading for their respective quarters.

"I can't believe we have to work alongside... Them.... Of all people. I'd even take the British or the Germans if it meant not being within breathing distance of THEM...." The gray haired girl stated. The white headed girl next to her sighed, nocking another arrow into her bow as she pulled the string back, preparing for release.

"Zuikaku-nee, I think you're taking this a little far...." The white haired carrier informed her younger sister ship, releasing the arrow with a twang. The arrow soared through the air as it was on a direct path with the target. Soon enough, her aim proved true as the head buried itself within the bullseye of the target. However, instead of celebrating for the keen aim, she merely nocked another arrow into place as she prepared another shot. Zuikaku however, merely looked at Shokaku with a disbelieving expression.

"You can't be serious Shokaku-nee.... These are our enemies. They shouldn't be allowed to just have half of our base like they own the place. I swear, the second I come face to face with one, I'm giving them what for." Zuikaku reasoned. A loud laugh was heard from further down the range, the owner of the voice just releasing another arrow into her target.

"Weren't you the one gushing over the chance of meeting Enterprise the other day?" The purple spiky haired girl stated. Zuikaku let out a short growl at this, wheeling on the girl within seconds.

"Shut it Jun'you. That was admiration for a fellow carrier, not the enemy." She bit back. Jun'you just laughed, shaking her head.

"Doesn't it suck when it's the same thing?" She asked. Zuikaku let out a sigh of agitation as she fired back.

"What? And you're A-okay with them just coming to our base and training here?" She asked. Jun'you shook her head.

"That's not what I'm saying. But there's little that can be done about it now and they're not our enemies any longer. So how about you stop calling them some low, slanky slur and just call them American." The purple haired carrier stated. Zuikaku bit her tongue in annoyance as she grew silent.

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