And The Practice Continues

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Author's Note:
Okay, let me say, I've been in a stump these past few weeks with this story. And not for lack of inspiration or ideas, no. Lack of any clue of how to write this mock battle.

So, in light of this, I hope to finish the mock battle next chapter. After that, I won't be attempting another one for a while until if figure a better way to do it.

So bare with me, we're almost through this train wreck of an arc.

"I don't see them. You think the attack failed?" San Francisco asked as she looked over the water, shielding her eyes from the sun as she watched for movement. Watching as the waves toppled over one another every so often, she eventually turned back to the main American force of the mock battle, soon finding their flagship deep in thought. "Midway? Did you hear me?" The heavy cruiser asked again. Carrier in question briefly looked up at the heavy cruiser, offering a nod of the head in turn, before quickly looking back down in thought.

Arching a brow at this, Frisco looked over to Chicago, who was also silently watching the horizon, scanning the water for any signs of movement. Whether it be friendly or opposition. "What do you think she's up to?" The heavy cruiser asked. Chicago in turn looked over to Frisco, tilting her head a bit as she looked at the girl.

"Who? Mid?" She asked, running a hand along her ponytail as she did so. Frisco nodded her head, as if waiting expectantly for an answer, an action which was met with a sigh. "Couldn't tell you. She's the flagship. She's got a lot more on her plate than either of us do at the moment. Though... Not sure what the idea was behind throwing the Atlanta sisters and our destroyers straight into the fray like that..." She wondered aloud.

But, she had been overheard as Indiana sailed up next to them, coming to a stop next to Chicago. "Is that you I hear doubting our leadership?" Indiana mused, looking down at the heavy cruiser. Chicago shrugged, looking back at the battleship.

"Maybe? Sorta? Possibly? I don't know. I'm just curious as to what her plan is. I mean, we've been sitting here for a good while. And sure, we haven't been attacked yet. Not directly anyways. Big whoop. But when are we actually gonna see some action? This is a mock battle. So, you know... Where's the battle? It's like the whole point of this." Chicago said, throwing her arms up in the air in an annoyed expression. Indiana only chuckled in response as she looked back onwards as well.

"I couldn't tell you. But be too eager to find trouble, and trouble may find you first." Indiana reasoned. Chicago only looked at her in response, confusion evident. Frisco just laughed.

"Yeah! What she said!" She agreed. Chicago rolled her eyes in response as Arizona and Oklahoma neared the three, looking at them.

"It is rather unwise to become interested in petty discussions while we are in the middle of an engagement." Oklahoma said, looking at the girl with a scolding nature. Chicago shrugged as Frisco gestured to the horizon.

"Engagement? Sure, I get it! The engagement that is wasting our time. Whether or not, Chicago has a point. We're just standing around here when we could be going after them!" Frisco insisted. Arizona gave a shake of the head.

"Yeah, no. Their battleships would have shots at us before we even get within our range. Plus, rushing the two credited with being the largest battleships ever built does not appeal to me in even the slightest of chances." Arizona mused. Frisco only groaned as Chicago crossed her arms, looking at the Pennylvania class in turn.

"Then by all means. Will you bless us with the fantastic details of your wonderful plan?" She asked, not doing anything to halt the small smirk that made its way to her lips. Arizona only rolled her eyes as she looked back to Midway, prepared to offer her own opinion. But before the battleship ship could get a word in edge wise, Snook popped her head up from under the waves directly in front of her, a wide grin plastered on her lips.

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