New Decisions

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Anya had known. She had known that the larger the class of Ship, the more they could scarf down. The more they took in, the more their model like waist lines stayed the same. She had known that from her very first meal with the Ship Girls.

She had known.

It did not make it easier on what she was watching.

The three Iowa class sisters that had come through forty five minutes prior we're keeping that surprise alive and well as Anya watched the women partake in a late breakfast if anything. Even Kentucky, who seemed to hold some sort of contempt for the woman calling herself Admiral, seemed to care little of her presence as she took in another plate of pancakes. Liz, her usual silent self, watched in total quiet at the fueling meal that could only be rivaled by the Yamato sister's first refueling in these forms.

What she was watching should've been impossible. Anya had been sure of it. She had not expected the theories in R&D to hold any merit. The idea that there could at one time be two very different Missouri's was baffling. But she was sitting here, watching one eating as the other sat out on the water tied to port. To very different beings, but also one in the same.

As she watched the three sisters enjoy their first meals as humans, the Admiral found her mind drifting once again. The fact that Illinois and Kentucky had joined who was supposed to be alone, Missouri didn't seem to mind their presence even though she had never met the two before. Or so that's what Anya believed. If Missouri had met her younger sisters before, the Admiral wasn't sure where she would have. Though, to be fair, the Admiral wasn't exactly sure where the Gateway connected to. And she claimed to be no expert on the subject.

After they had arrived at the mess hall for the three to eat, Gailer had gone back to the Missouri to check up on the ship's suddenly admitted patients and let Sofia and Ishigara know what had transpired at the summoning chamber.

"Admiral?" Missouri called, wiping her mouth with a napkin as she looked to the woman. Anya was brought out of her thoughts as she looked to the battleship.

"Yes Missouri?" She asked as the battleship's sisters kept attention focused on the conversation but continued to enjoy their meals.

"I assume we are not the first that have been brought through?" She asked. Anya arched a brow as she looked to the battleship.

"You don't know..?" She asked, somewhat confused. Missouri watched Anya in return of the question for a moment before a small, amused smile spread along the battleship's lips.

"No, I'm aware. I was just making sure you weren't going to try and hide what happened to them." Missouri sighed. "It was never my intention to down so many of them in such a way. I only took what I needed..." she said. Anya nodded.

"So then why do I have nineteen battleships passed out cold?" She asked. Missouri nodded at the question as she gestured to her younger sisters.

"They needed adequate energy to become physical forms so that they could cross over. If it had just been me drawing energy, then I would've most likely required no more the six. And, they would not have passed out because of the energy transfer conducted." She said as she looked to the Admiral. "So besides the battleships, where is everyone else? Specifically the carriers." She asked.

"Well.. presuming that they left the ship... you after the others collapsed, the total carrier stock of Yokosuka should be at the carrier range by now." The Admiral said. Missouri nodded in satisfaction at the answer.

"Would it be at all possible for myself to meet them? It is still my job to protect our carriers, even if that now includes those who were once at war with. I'd like to know who I'm working with." She said. Anya nodded as she looked at the battleship.

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