More Firepower

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Author's Note:

A thousand reads? Really?

Thank you.

To those of you who have followed this story from the first chapter or those of you just now joining us.

It doesn't matter.

Thanks to all of you.

It means a lot. It really does.

In return, I give you the longest chapter yet.

Tenryuu and Atlanta watched as the six destroyers bobbed on the water's surface ahead of them, the six in their own conversation of sorts.

The time of the day was around eighteen hundred hours. The day's date was October 25th, almost three full months since the first seven American Kanmusu had come through the Gateway.

And since then?


The Gateway had remained stubbornly quiet, giving no indication of when another girl would come through. It just sat there, as if quietly contemplating its own existence.

For the seven American Kanmusu, their worries had all but vanished. For the two women in charge of the seven, their worries were in much the same state.

Now the worry was starting to spread to those of the Japanese Kanmusu and their Admiral as well.

Although some were not too keen on the idea of the Americans coming in force, the current group they found themselves faced with was not what they had expected.

When first hearing that the Americans were coming to Yokosuka, those of the Japanese immediately thought of the countless ships that the U.S. had wielded. They thought of the many vessels that had brought the Pacific under their control.

The Seven that had come through did not match those expectations.

Although the Seven were fearsome in their own right, they were certainly lacking in the numbers that those of the Japanese had come to expect.

To put it straight, everyone was at least a little bit worried. Whether or not they admitted it.

Tenryuu watched ahead, the gaggle of destroyers kept locked in some quiet discussion.

The eight Kanmusu were returning from Sortie, one that had taken them up to the northern coasts of Japan. It was a simple patrol and had remained as much.

Tenryuu looked up at the sky, not a spec of blue in sight. They'd been fighting the off and on rain squalls all day as the sky remained a pale gray. Said sky was turning the water beneath them into nothing they couldn't handle. If anything, the off and on breeze was a pleasant feeling against the bare skin of Tenryuu's legs, the sea spray kissing them from time to time.

The Japanese light cruiser watched the six kids in front of her for a while. After which, she turned her attention to the suspiciously quiet American Anti-Air Cruiser.

It was clear something was up. Atlanta was never the kind of person to stay quiet for long, especially during a sortie.

Yet, she had yet to say more than thirty words during their time on the water. Which was now edging into its eleventh hour. Tenryuu knew something was up.

Even if the silence wasn't a dead giveaway, Atlanta's rigging was spotted with the occasional Fairy, looking up at their ship with worry. Tenryuu decided that it was time to get to the bottom of this silence that was falling over the American redhead.

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