An Unexpected Development

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Saratoga pinched the bridge of her nose somewhat at what she'd just been told by one of her fellow American carriers. Being the second oldest American carrier on base certainly lead her to some garnered respect from the other carriers. Hell, the only carriers she wasn't older than were Langley and Kaga, and the latter was only older by months.

She was older than Houshou for crying out loud. The only reason she really didn't count it was because Houshou launched first, but Sara had been laid down before her. But even she couldn't hold that against the motherly Japanese Carrier.

Honestly, it was an unspoken rule that if you tried to hold something against either Langley or Houshou, you were a special kind of stupid. Not that any of them had tried to do so. But still, the point stood. You threatened the two, you got whatever bomber that their impromptu children felt like wafting your way.

"Hornet, I swear to John Paul Jones himself, if you try to tell me one more time that I have a secret ability to irradiate my bombers, I'm going to skin you alive and shove a torpedo where the sun don't shine." The Carrier growled.

Of course, being the third oldest carrier on base also meant that she caught so much flack from her younger peers. Even some of the Japanese carriers were catching on!

"Well, you know, where the sun doesn't shine, irradiated fighters will!" Hornet, CV-12, Answered with a cheeky grin. The sound that promptly sounded Saratoga's mouth was clearly not healthy nor human as the carrier's head rolled back somewhat, leaving her the image of an exasperated older sister, tired of dealing with her younger's shenanigans.

"Do you think that all of her torpedos are atomically armed?" Yorktown, CV-10, hummed in thought as she glanced at her sister, the two carriers wearing identical shit eating grins. Hornet made a sound of realization at that.

"I didn't even think about that!" Hornet cried in sudden surprise, her gaze wheeling around to look at her older sister.

Saratoga swore to whatever deity heard her first, that if the entire Essex class was going to be this flat out infuriating, heads would roll. On that, she made a solemn vow as she listened to the sound of Hornet's mad cackling fill the air. Hell, she even out weighed her younger peers. If need be, she could probably knock a few heads together.

But not with Midway and her sisters in such close proximity. And by that, Saratoga knew that the three were seated the table directly behind hers. Given that Midway, her sister's, and Kitty Hawk were all bigger than her, she knew that violence would not ensue this day. No matter how much she wanted to strangle Hornet's neck.

Hand meeting face in a collision of flesh and steel, it only prompted another wave of near psychotic cackling to fill the air, much to Sara's chagrin. And it only served to prompt some laughter from the Yorktown sisters at the table, the three watching as the Essex sisters practically annoyed the ever living hell out of Saratoga.

"Sara, you know they're only yanking your chain, so to speak?" Enterprise asked as she glanced at the older carrier. Saratoga rolled her eyes at that.

"Big whoop." Sara said icily, glaring at the two Essex sisters. "Let me ask you E. How would you feel if someone started making fun of you because you were scrapped? Because constantly reminding me that I went down because of a weapons test is starting to burn real hot on the nerves." She said, her tone dropping a few octaves.

"Like an atomic-" Hornet began, but Saratoga had had enough. The carrier screamed in annoyance as she promptly stood from her seat, glaring daggers into the carrier's face, before stomping away from her table and towards the Mess Hall doors. Dinner was almost over anyways and she hand been on Sortie for a few days, so the demand for supplies from her fairies had already been requisitioned and filled.

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