The Trip Back

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The bow of the Missouri slammed through another wave of the Pacific, the water below doing nothing to slow the American Battleship's pace. She had a schedule to keep and places to be and a little bit of water wasn't about to change that.

Streaming through the water and across the ocean, the Missouri was making pace as of setting off from Pearl the day prior. And with her?

Diagonally, to her left, she had the U.S.S. Stout and the Mitscher. To her right, she had the Mahan and the Mcfaul. The four destroyers made up her escorts. But of course, trailing behind the Missouri, defended by the four destroyers, was the fleet of 41 that had been tasked with making sure the their charges reached Japan. And so far, it was going alright. None of their scouts had spotted any Abyssals, drones or otherwise. And the five ship's radars, specially refitted for this mission, had been alerted to nothing so far.

"Well, so much for an exciting adventure." Maryland huffed. This in turn prompted at least fifteen different glares, Mutsu and Yamato included, as they looked to the American Battleship.

"That sounds strangely alike what you said on our way to Pearl before absolutely everything went to hell." Oklahoma muttered darkly. Maryland only rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell me you believe in all of that supernatural BS." The Colorado Class huffed, dismissing the Nevada class with a wave of the hand. Oklahoma only sighed in annoyance.

"Since we classify In the same group of said Supernatural BS as you so eloquently put it, yes, I am more than inclined to agree with the idea that jinxing one's goals is indeed possible." She huffed. Maryland only rolled her eyes as she looked up to focus on the returning patrol of Zeroes, being swapped out with a new patrol of Hellcats from Midway, the carrier making sure their take off wouldn't crash them into the Missouri.

Meanwhile, on board the Missouri, on her bridge, her Captain stood ready, watching the Horizon for any potential threats.

"Nothing on radar?" Captain Lindsey Gailer asked, looking to the sailor manning the radar.

"No Captain." Came the response. "The only other presence on radar besides us are the Ship Girls behind us. And their occasional new Patrol." He said, looking to her. Gailer nodded as she kept her gaze on the Horizon. As she did so, she looked back to the sky, the clouds fixing to be overhead not helping her nerves in the slightest.

"There any reports for bad weather coming today?" She asked. Another answer later, she was shaking her head. There was supposed to be clear skies for the day. Not what ever she was looking at right now. "Can we contact one of the Carrier's and get them to send a patrol wing forward?" She asked. The sailor manning one of the Radios nodded, looking to the Captain.

"Yes Ma'am. Which carrier would you like to contact?" She asked, looking to the Captain. Sighing, Gailer looked over the list of the Escorts, shaking her head in mild amusement at the sight. "Ma'am? There something wrong?" The sailor asked. Gailer nodded.

"Yeah, there is. This list would've made the Navies of 80 years ago do a serious double take. I mean... Arizona and Shokaku? Zuikaku and Midway? Oh, let's not even touch the subject of Yamato and Musashi escorting The Missouri. This list would've been casted out as ridicule back then. But today, they're our best bet of winning this war..." she sighed. "What has this world come to?" She asked, shaking her head. The sailor only chuckled.

"It's the Age of the Gun again. That's why we have the Missouri under our feet and not some Aegis Destroyer. The Abyssals fear solid lead flying at them from miles away, not missiles that they can pluck out of the air. It's why the list in front of you has the names that it does. It's because they're the most needed." He said, not looking up from the radar. The man running the radios nodded at that, eliciting only a dry laugh from Gailer.

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