Terrors Of The Night

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To say this was the most uncomfortable that Pacific had ever been was the fucking understatement of her long and storied life. Pacific ever so carefully moved her way through the internals of the Brisbane, her form and it's design clearly not meant to ever interact in such an intimate way under any sort of circumstance. She ducked her way through the next hatch as she looked up to Celebes and Captain Roberts.

Both wore matching looks of amusement at what they were watching.

Pacific's glare hardened at Celebes, who's fleeting expression of amusement hardened into her normal one. Pacific's gaze switched to Captain Roberts, who met her gaze head on.

"Your kind and mine are at war. I'm allowed to take some satisfaction in your discomfort." He told her. "Also to note, if it wasn't already obvious. Watch your heads. I hesitate to think at whatever damage Brisbane may suffer because you couldn't help but attempting to concuss yourself."

The crew thus far had given their Captain and his apparent and rather one-sided guests a wide berth. Anytime any of them would come across them, they would immediately divert and retrace their steps, or duck into any compartment that was not in their path.

Captain Roberts hadn't noticed Celebes keeping track of which ways any female sailors they'd come across had gone.

"That's not to say you took no satisfaction in watching Indian be pummeled as she was." The Queen commented dryly.

"Figured that the obvious one." Was his response.

So it was.

"Speaking of Indian however." Came the tone of a man that was most convinced that his death was coming any moment. "Given her existence and yours, I can only assume that their are others that match your status. Or position with your forces, no?" He asked as they continued on.

Neither Pacific or Celebes bothered to answer him, the Queen following behind him as Celebes took a moment or two to look within each compartment they came across. She'd been amongst the various wrecks that they'd made this far within this war of course, but it was different to be amongst one that was not yet a wreck.

The Captain paused.

"Without confirmation then, I assume at the very least that there must be an Atlantic Queen." The Captain suggested.

"There is." Pacific told him. "She's the one we've accredited with the killing blow of New Jersey."

Captain Roberts nodded at that, filing that information away. Not that it did any good, given likely he wasn't going to survive this encounter. Under them however, the Brisbane began to once again move, towards the location that he'd given Harper earlier.

"Good to know. Not that it really does us any good. If their brawl with New Jersey is anything to go by, you all can take a hit or two. Not only that, but it wouldn't exactly be the easiest thing to actually have a chance at her with how Surface-hesitant you and yours in particular tend to be." The Captain said, only glancing over his shoulder for a moment. Pacific shrugged as she watched the man begin to ascend, rather rapidly, a set of stairs. After he was up, before he could apparently stop one of the sailors above them, they came flying down the stairs. Only for them to realize what exactly they were headed for. Something went wrong in that moment, sending the sailor crashing forwards. Both Celebes and Pacific stepped out of his way, allowing the man to crash into the floor with a thud.

Turning their attention back to the stairway that now stood before them, Celebes took on the task of ascending it first after the man, the cramped space and little room to move clearly making it an effort on the Empresses part.

Captain Roberts did not offer his hand, both firmly behind his back as he watched the monster ascend the ladder.

"Not the most graceful of creatures are we?" The Captain commented.

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