Chapter 24

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Once Trinity left and Sage went back to work, the empress loooked to Amberosia. "I think we'll invite her again.' 

"Oh, yes.' Amberosia said, nodding.

"One night go to the pub" 

"I'd love to do that, we don't go out together often," Amberosia replied, excited.

"As long as nothing comes up," The sorceress added.

"Hush up girl, you'll curse us both!" Ralvania teased her. 

Amberosia giggled like a teen aged girl.

"Daniel will be visiting but, not for almost a week." 

Is he okay?" The sorceress inquired.

"I don't know." She said. 

"I hope so. I can understand it taking a lot out of him." Amberosia said, getting up and going back to work. There were a few clients coming but not enough to stay busy for that long. She nodded to the empress, leaving her alone with her pixie brew and her spell-book. 

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