Bonus Story: Stars and Planets

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The city bustled.

It was lit with purple, red, orange, pink, and yellow lights. People walked around, carrying on with their business. From the top of a tall building, to figures watched the commotion below. A male and a female.

"Look, I know we gotta look for the princess, but...we've been here for hours" the male groaned.

"I know, I know. I'm just as bored as you are."

"Ugh! I can't believe that she can't just get her butt off that stupid chair and find her herself!"

"I know. But we have our orders, and we've promised to follow them."

"When we finally find her, we're gonna request a raise and a vacation!"

"That is, if we ever do find her."


They scanned the crowds for her. They still couldn't see her. They had been given an exact description, and yet they had had no luck. They were sooo tempted to just ditch this place and leave, but their orders said to stay here. And wait. No matter what. They had lost track of time.

"I heard there's going to be another show soon" the male said, hoping to break the awkwardness.

"Yeah. Maybe she'll show up there, and maybe that'll be our chance."

"Well, one can only hope..."

"Yes, unfortunately."

"And besides, she has to be ALIVE. We can't risk too much here."

"I know, I know!"

Jus then, a small kid ran by. They looked...familiar.

"Yo, hold on. Is that them?" the male asked, pointing at the shape.

The female looked closer.

"Ugh, no. It's just that street kid wandering around."

"Dangit, and right when I thought I had something."

"Well, whatever. Let's just stay here like we have been..."

And so the two figures continued watching the citizens like the hawks they were, hoping that someday, their treasure would finally show its face to them and they could finally be free of such a boring and tedious task.

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