Black Magic

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⭐️Chapter 64: Haunted

"Dangit! He blocked the path off!"

"We could fly over it?" Prince asked.

Ebony flew him up out of the trees to check. Spots of the forest had been destroyed everywhere. He flew back down.

"Actually we can't. We used natural land marks and formations to get from Black Forest to Inkopolis, and now that we can't see them from above from the wreckage, our only choice is by foot, since some landmarks are still located there."

"Well. Alright."

Once upon a time
I learned there's no such thing as witches
There's no wizards, there's no tricksters
And there's no such thing as ghosts

He slowly woke up.
What had happened? He was in a dark room. Everything hurt. How long had he been here? He didn't know. Half of him wanted to figure out what was going on, since he wasn't chained to a table or anything. The other half wanted to lie here and wait.

Had he been captured? Surely and hopefully not. If he had though, he was confident that the others would rescue him. They always would. They would see him missing and go find him. Problem was, did they know where he was? Even he himself didn't know where he was. He'd never seen this place before.

Well then stake me if I'm rotten
If I'm part of the forgotten
Cause I'm capable of things
Forbidden things, you won't believe

The squidbeak and shadow seven now had to figure out where to go. They tried to cross the mess in front of them, but it proved to be difficult, and in the end, not worth it. They were still on the second path, so it was possible that there could be an alternate path, they just didn't remember WHERE on the second path they were. If only there were some clearer alternate routes. Prince looked around for any, but all he spotted was a trail of pebbles.


Once upon a time
I had been told to never linger
Never show off in a show
And never stay in place for long

He sat up and looked around. The room was...unique. It consisted of dark wood with carved patterns on it, a tile floor, and a ceiling that was also made from wood. Within the room was bookshelves and an empty desk and chair that faced towards him. He got off what he was sitting on, which was just a table with a pillow on it. Maybe he should explore a little bit?

" he's finally awake..."

An unfamiliar voice rang through the place. Emperor froze where he was at and looked around. His heart was hammering inside of him. He didn't have his swords, did he?! Oh boy. That wasn't good. He was defenseless and now people were watching him. Pray to cod that they be friend instead of foe...

Said "These people cannot fathom
What's a good trick vs a bad one
You'll be taken to be hanged
Along all others, just the same"

Prince searched through his head. Pebbles, pebbles, why did that sound so familiar?! Maybe someone else would know. He decided to ask the squidbeak, as even they were talking amongst themselves. He cleared his throat.

"There's a trail of pebbles here, if that helps!" he said loudly, but clear enough for the others to hear.

"Wasn't that the path Emperor took?" Rider asked.

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