Shadow Fingers

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⭐️Chapter 28: Kuro

Nana readied her shadowshot, and Kuro readied hers. Splash wall and splat bomb rush, was it? Nana would have to wait and see what Kuro's set was. Nana started off by inking the turf around her, for maneuverability. Kuro followed her. Neither of them made a move at each other yet. The goal was to get more turf, as usual, because that would allow for one to have the advantage over another.

At the moment, it was fairly quiet, but the air was intense. Every second that went by was stressful for Nana, as she didn't know when something would be coming at her. Nana suddenly heard a familiar noise, something that sounded like one of those locator things going off. It was followed by the sounds of little legs.


So that was the sub weapon of the Bokakamo Shadowshot. 

She could deal with those.

But then...what was the special?

Nana avoided the bomb's explosion, and kept turfing. More bombs soon followed, but Nana was able to easily dodge or avoid all of them, re-inking the turf they had covered. She suddenly heard shooting behind her. She turned around only to see that Kuro had already charged her special and was beginning to fire at Nana. Nana hadn't charged her special yet, but turned around and shot at Kuro, causing her to at least back up. Nana also set down a splash wall, in case she needed it. She heard the tak-tak-tak of Kuro trying to shoot it down. Maybe because she was trying to think ahead and therefore bring it down for later? Either way, Nana now knew that the walls served as a good decoy, a time-buyer.

She had eventually managed to ink enough turf for her special, even with Kuro constantly after her. But she wanted to wait to use the bomb rush, as using it recklessly could cause it to have no effect whatsoever. Maybe she could throw down a wall and then use it, since she was exposed while throwing bombs? No, that didn't sound right. Maybe she should only use the bomb rush as an excuse to use bombs, so she wouldn't let her guard down and get blown up by an autobomb in the midst of it all? No, if she got an unlimited set of bombs she should use as many as she could. Maybe she should wait for Kuro's special first? Although, she didn't know what it was, and was quite honestly scared as to what it might be. She threw down another splash wall to try and distract Kuro, and it did. Nana began to cover up more turf, but before she knew it, Kuro was already done. Huh. Did she have object shredder? Whatever the case was, Nana got to the center of the arena, and Kuro met her there. She was surprised that Kuro hadn't taken her own stopping as a chance to automatically start splatting her.

The two were now at a standstill.

They waited for the other to make a move.

Nana was ready for Kuro's special.

Kuro whipped out the stamp hammer.

Nana was not ready for Kuro's special.

Quickly, she started inking a path to swim away. She could hear the hammer smashing the ground behind her. It was catching up, she needed a way out. A rock, a thing to stop the hammer, something, ANYTHING. She kept looking as she inked and swam and inked and swam-

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