Chapter 54: Purple

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⭐️Chapter 54: Purple

They were here! They just had to lose the shadowlings to warn the others, and then they could all retaliate! Quickly, everyone got into humanoid form and dashed to the center of the square. It wasn't too far from the exit, hopefully they could get there. They didn't dare look back, as that would only slow them down, but they assumed that the shadowlings had now taken advantage of their slower speed. They didn't see them from the sides, but maybe it was a trap. Maybe the shadowlings had already beaten them there.

They made it to the square, all of them stopping to catch their breath. They looked around. Inkopolis Square was still in the same state it was in when they left. They didn't see anything that could be a trap.

"Do you think we lost them?" Nana asked.

"Don't count on it" Rider grumbled.

"Well, at least they're letting us rest first" Goggles said, still panting from running.

"Don't you dare try to shrug this off. This was all your fault and you KNOW IT" Rider growled at him.


"You told them Pitch was here, and that's why they followed us. If you hadn't, then maybe we wouldn't BE in this situation right now!" He said loudly, close to yelling.

"Rider, calm down. A fight amongst ourselves is the last thing we need while we're here together. We don't know what the shadowlings are planning, but there's no doubt they'll take advantage of our arguing" Hachi said.

Rider tried to calm down. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't help it. He just let his anger get the best of him sometimes...



Suddenly, a point sensor was thrown down at them, locating all of them successfully, except Ebony but that didn't matter since he was with them anyway. From all different directions, bombs and sub weapons of all sorts were thrown at them. The squidbeak quickly inked the square despite the rule and got out of the way, Ebony getting out safely as well. The shadow six-ish appeared in the center of the mass of ink. The squidbeak readied their weapons.

Meanwhile, Pitch heard the commotion from where he was. So they had come back. Well. He had promised.
He sighed as he stood up from eating chips, and flew over. He landed on the top of a building, watching them argue down below.

"Lovely seeing you here again, isn't it? It was as if it was yesterday... or the day before...whatever. I've lost the date. Doesn't matter" Noir said, looking at each of the squidbeak members.

"Alright, well if we're going to fight, then let us get this done with!" Flip said, getting in a fight stance.

"Alright, but first thing's first. Ebony, get over here."

"No" Ebony said simply.

"So you'd rather be a traitor then help us?" Noir said in a tone that was meant to shame Ebony into coming back.

"You're the traitor for deciding to pull this off. I regret ever allowing you to do this" Ebony said, serious now.

"Well, you agreed with it, and now we're about to do it."

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