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⭐️Chapter 74: Laser

(Start video at 3:21)

They watched as Pribony took off.

"We're gonna cheer him on!" Marina said confidently.

"How so?" Nechi asked.

"We're gonna sing! One more time! Feel free to add on if you want!" Marina yelled down to the squidbeak.

"Okay!" They shouted back.



Pribony was still flying, having only started on the first part of the laser. It looked amazing from up close, but he had to make sure he didn't get hit by it.

Marina started off.

Lights on me!

Flise sung back almost immediately.

You gotta stay!

Marina continued.

Dance to the rhythm, you know, you know
I'll stay with you!

Kurana sung back.

We'll protect you!

Marina sang her last line, allowing the rest of the shadow squidbeak to sing the line along with her, and carry it on.

Call for the one, dance away with me!

Pribony continued down. He didn't realize the laser was this long. From a distance, it looked so short. But now, it was long, and Pribony wondered if he would make it in time or not.

Everyone's singing powered the killer wail. Together, they made a difference. Emperor was down, but he heard them, and quietly sung along.

One more time! She'll tell you "nah,
Hang in, there's no way, we'll lose, we'll lose!"

He watched the pink ink blasting out. Everyone was singing in synchrony. It wouldn't be possible without them. He avoided the stray sparks from the laser, despite it being his friends's ink.

Counting down with you,
'Cause this is Splatoon

Don't you know you're awesome, dance away-oh with us ooh-ah-oh-oooh...

He saw the halfway point. Where pink clashed with black. He had to be EXTRA careful here. Who knows what would happen if he got hit with the sparks from the other laser.

Flise and Kurana took it from here, starting a new verse for extra hype.
Flise shouted out.

Last time!

Kurana replied back, and the two went back and forth.

Sing along!

Say here, Tell us what you love!

Sing along!

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