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⭐️Chapter(?) 80: Credits
Written by: KySketch
SplatRoad belongs to: OliveWaffles6
Splatoon belongs to Nintendo
Squidbeak belong to the splatoon manga
Splatoon Manga is made by Coroika
Shadowlings are an open species created by me (KySketch)
End song made by SharaX (but the lyrics follow the regular, un-remixed version)
Shoutout to Kiwi_Veemo and Inkytail for supporting me throughout the story (Inking5 and shrimpking24 get a good mention too for being good friends, echolxss and Smol_Veemo as well)

He stood by the edge, watching the sunset. Nobody else was here. He had to keep it a secret.

Deep away, from the fray, there's a small glowing light
You can't see, but you remember melodies
Rush and tide, deep inside,
Flow, Inkantation, escape from the night, go into the light!

Someone watched him from the woods, scared to approach. He knew they were there, but he was not scared. If he had to go back, he would. He just wanted to enjoy this moment...

It's okay, in the day, if you're feeling upset
You can cry, let it all flow throughout the sky
Let it go, let it free, let it all out and maybe you will see; it's okay, really!

He did not motion for them to come over. He would let them come over if they wanted to. The sun was beautiful, and the air around was warm, yet cool when it blew.

We go into the night, thinking again,
we come out of the light as friends
We go into it bright, I'll say, holding hands,
calling near and far, the friends that we are

Slowly, they approached, and sat down by him while he stood. He did not acknowledge them. Not for rudeness, but simply as to not scare them. He would respect their choices. They said nothing, focusing on the sunset as well.

We just want you all, coming again,
We just want you all to stay
So with you right here, now we're together,
Call into the night, reach into the sky

While the gremlin rapped in the background, more people approached. He also did not make any motions towards them not talk to them. They began chatting amongst themselves, a happy but calm vibe coming from them. He himself continued to stand there, to take in the moment. It was over, and all was forgiven and good again.

(Near and far)

The sun was sinking lower. Not like anybody realized, but he saw. The sky was pink and blue, a wonderful color mix. It had been so long since he was able to see one in full again. He missed the old times...

(Yet again)

The chatting from the others had been drowned out in his mind. He only focused on the nature around him. The noises of the wind and insects of the night. The trees rustling as the wind blew through, gently.

(Sure, away)

He had...had fun. Sure, it was...Chaotic, but was that not the point of fun? Maybe you could have fun if it was in order, and yet...the chaos was what gave it that special twist...(cough cough creeper aw man meme I'm looking at you)

(Take us all with you, the memories too...)

The sun had sunk completely, and it was nighttime now. The glowing bugs had come out, and everyone was awed at their appearance. They saw the bugs from below them began to light up the forest below as well.

Last night, fables say, know that there's another way....

He didn't care if something else happened today. Everyone was prepared, everything was cleared, and they could all work together. They would be ready for any second rounds.

Last light, they all say, everybody come this way....

And yet...he couldn't wait to go to bed. To start another day. To see what the next day brought. Ah, but. For now, he would focus on now. The calm yet wonderful time he was having. Nobody talked to him. They respected him wanting to stand alone.

Nodding a yes...

To be honest? He hoped they would come back soon. He liked the sound of more adventures with them. The fun of being together, the teamwork that could be done...

To stay...

Maybe they could battle again. He knew how the others got along well. They might like it. Maybe they could even...
They had other things to do.
They couldn't stay.

Now that all of us, call into the light, reach into the sky...

They had their work, he had his. He was sure they'd have stories to tell for a later time, though. Maybe they'd tell someone their tale, the one about them. Maybe one day, they would look back on it and laugh, remembering the good times they had had. Or the bad. But it was over now. Didn't matter if the bad was brought up. It happened and it was done.

We go into the light, thinking again,
we come out of the night as friends-
We go into it bright, I'll say, holding hands,
calling near and far, the friends that we are

He swayed, letting himself drift off into his own little world. It was almost done, and they would all sleep until the next time they were woken for a new adventure. Oh well. People were waiting on this, anyway. He shouldn't stop.

Calling near and far, the friends that we are...

He hummed along. Nobody added on, or asked about it. Psh, nobody probably even heard him. Good for him anyway, he didn't like people catching him singing. He thought he was horrible. But that was a tale for another time.

Now that I'm with you
We've made it on through...

They were still focused on the horizon, and were also talking amongst themselves. They wouldn't notice him if he did something...

Calling near and far, the friends that we are...

He turned around to you all, the readers.

"Thanks" he says, with a genuine but signature...











Fanged smile.

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