Chapter 11: Flight

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⭐️Chapter 11: Flight 

Noir picked up the pickled plum.

"What's this? Some strange fruit?"

Yeah it had been on the ground, but 

1: not for very long

2: 'exercise your immune system' as they always said 

and 3: shadowlings didn't like wasting food.

He sniffed it and took a nibble.

"Bleh. Sour."

He chucked it over his shoulder and flew up to the stage to stop the music and turn off the lights. It was still nighttime, after all.

Pitch caught the plum and took a bite. He liked it. He shrugged and continued to chew on it as the rest of them spread out to explore the place. This culture was weird, and if they were going to take over it, they would have to properly study it first. There might be some things here that were worth keeping. He'd remind himself later to find out what these weird fruits were, and to get more of them.

They found the gear stores interesting, simply because their sense of fashion was a lot more simplistic than the inklings and octolings, and the weapon store especially intriguing. The cephalos that lived here sure liked simple weapon designs. They seemed to be based off of drawing tools and water guns, stuff completely non-threatening. How on earth did they manage to beat those skylings if they didn't put in the intimidation factor? That was always very important.

This culture was weird.


The squidbeak popped out of the hole, now in octo canyon, only to see that the cephalos that had fled earlier were indeed still here, and making a decent living. Marie and Callie spotted them, and when they did, everyone in the area looked at them. Slowly, a crowd began to form, and more and more cephalos came up to them, expecting to hear the news. Whispers arose from the group.

"Did you defeat them?" Marie asked slowly.

"Unfortunately not...they were way too strong for us..." Rider sighed. 

He hated admitting defeat.

The entire crowed murmured amongst themselves, but the S4 stepped out, along with team blue, N-Pacer and Eging, and the other teams. Team blue ran to Goggles, N-Pacer and Eging running to Prince and Emperor. The S4 hung back.

"ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?!" Aloha asked.

"Oh Goggles..." 

Headphones had went up to him and hugged him.

"Yeah, heh...we did our best..." Goggles smiled.

Specs and Bobble also went up to hug him.

"We have many injuries, but nothing serious." Nana added, double checking everyone to be sure.

"Don't worry, we have stuff for thaaaaat." Mask said, pointing past the crowd to a small hut with a poorly put together plus sign to symbolize medical things.

"Thank goodness."

Hachi was glad they were away and safe. There was no more drama, and they could all rest up.

"Please. Tell me more to add to my manual about shadowlings." Army said, whipping out a paper booklet and pencil. It was labeled "Shadowlings", and upon further inspection, you could see he had already written out information the squidbeak had previously discovered. Fortunately Gloves woke up, and after the squidbeak explained the situation, he understood, and explained.

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