Chapter 49: Back

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⭐️Chapter 49: Back

(A few hours later after the Crow Battle chapter)


Was daytime.

Prince and Ebony were the first to wake up, though Ebony was a little later because of...last night. He let Prince go, and Prince went to go search for some fruit. He thought about backtracking to the bombegranate tree, but that was too far back. Maybe there was something nearby? Ebony meanwhile, stayed in the tree. He needed to make sure to free the others when they woke up. If he wasn't there, well then...the place would be in chaos in seconds.

Goggles and Flip woke up next, along with Nana. Ebony gently let them go, as they were still tired and he didn't want them accidentally falling off the trees. He helped them down with his shadow power, and they were safe. Goggles had a pickled plum to eat, and offered one to Flip, who politely declined. Ebony also declined as well, and told the two where Prince had gone. The two nodded, and decided to help them out by going down a second path nearby, not the one Flip had taken or the one continuing ahead. Nana meanwhile, stayed behind.

Emperor and Rider were the last to wake up. Ebony helped them down as well, then hopped out of his own tree. Rider went over to inspect the bike, but Emperor...had questions. He slowly walked over to Ebony.

"I...have more questions."

"Oh. Well uh. Maybe we should wait a little, let us all wake up first?" Ebony said, a little scared. He didn't really...feel comfortable around Emperor when Prince wasn't around.

Emperor narrowed his eyes.
"No, I feel like you're trying to dodge my questions-"

"I answered the ones last night!" Ebony exclaimed.

"Ok fine, where's my brother?"
Emperor started off simple, to cut Ebony some slack.

"Off searching for food" Ebony replied simply.

"Wait, Alone?!"


"THAT'S DANGEROUS!" Emperor yelled. Nana and Rider heard him, and while they were startled at first, they recognized it as Emperor being overprotective and dismissed it.

"Well sorry, I had to stay here to unbind you all!" Ebony said, trying to make a point.

"But he could be lost! Alone! Without help! What path did he take?!" Emperor said, now worrying more than ever. This was really unnecessary, but heck, it was important to him!

"The one going back down the path" Ebony said, pointing behind him.


"Relax, I'm sure they'll be back in no time-"

"You sure? Have you told them a set time to return by?" Emperor asked.

"W-Well no, but-"

"We're back!" Flip called.

The four turned to look.
Prince, Goggles, and Flip all came back at the same time, each with a different set of things. Prince had some tiny raspberries, though only a handful, Flip had some clovers (yes those are edible) and Goggles...was stung. Everywhere. But he carried something medium sized wrapped in a leaf, smiling nonetheless.

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