Chapter 69: Rescue

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⭐️Chapter 69: Rescue

The suction bomb exploded.

Enperoir fell to the ground, hard.
Prince walked up to them, and pointed his blade at them. He had won.
Enperoir wanted to keep going, but...he didn't have the energy to. Slowly, he unfused back into Emperor and Noir, both still laying on the floor. Prince rushed to his brother.

He wanted to shake him awake, but he didn't know his current condition.

The other squidbeak watched from afar, in case anything suspicious began to happen. But they had to admit, they DID feel horrible about what Prince had to go through just now.

"P...Prrriiiince? That.....that you?"
Emperor sounded even more strained than before, but his eyes slowly opened.

"Oh thank COD you're okay! I was beginning to worry and-"

"Yeah...I'm still goin'. I'd check on the...other me though, if I were you."

Prince turned to see Noir on one knee, seemingly straining.

"You. It's time to give up. We've overpowered you."
Prince walked over and held out his sword at Noir.
"Admit it. You've lost."

Suddenly, Noir grinned. He stood up, as if he was perfectly fine.

" did you...why are you..."

Prince was confused. How come his brother was drained of all energy but Noir was perfectly fine? (aside from cuts and bruises and all.)

"Oh dear really don't get it do you?" Noir kept a smile on his face, shaking his head gently.

"N-no?" Prince was worried.

What had Noir done?! The panic began.

"Well, if you're confused...basically I drained your brother's energy, and now I will use it to finally grab ahold of Inkopolis."

Everyone stood there in shock.

"So...this entire time..."

"The dashes? The energy I was using to move around? All your brother's. Of course, I boosted him some with mine, but...He's got a lot of energy. Enough to make you have a hard time without using up much. He's very strong, I must say..."

Prince dropped both swords, which made a loud CLANG as they hit the floor. He put his hands to the ground, staring at the tiles on the floor.


No, this couldn't be...

Noir began to chuckle to himself, and the chuckle soon turned into a hysterical evil laugh.

"Just you wait until Inkopolis is finally mine!"

And with that, he turned around, took a running start, ran down the hallway, jumped, broke through the glass behind the desk and chair, and dropped.


Gloves shakily spoke up.
"Uh. Is something supposed to ha-"

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