Chapter 71: Omniscient

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⭐️Chapter 71: Omniscient

The helicopter was quiet for a while. Nobody spoke. Nobody wanted to speak. They had just been through one of the most stressful moments of their lives, and now? It was all up to them to stop it. The shadowlings stayed quiet too. They had made mistakes...

"We're...we're here..." Marina said.

Finally, they had arrived to inkopolis...

Only to see a giant, tall, shadow-Noir standing by the square's tower, watching as chaos unfolded below him. Heck, he was nearly as tall as the tower itself! It was as if he was actually a god...



"Dang. We really gotta stop him, huh?" Gloves said.

None of them were panicking now, all of them glum and down because the task simply seemed impossible.

"Yup..." Goggles answered.

"We're going to do it" Prince said, determined.

Everyone looked at him. He was the only one who wasn't sad at the moment.

"We got ourselves into this mess, and now, we're going to get ourselves out" he said, with confidence. Emperor looked up at him and smiled.

Slowly, everyone began to smile, even if it wasn't truly a smile. They were glad Prince was leading this mission.

"You're right, Prince" Hachi said, nodding. But maybe Prince was wrong. Who knew.

"We won't give up!" Rider added. But they might. Only one way to find out.

"We're ready for this." Flip continued. They really weren't. But they had to try anyway.

"Okay, I think I've got a plan" Marina said.

"Alright. What's the plan?" Prince said as he turned to her.

Suddenly, the air got more intense.

(The song is supposed to play here but. Do it however you want.)

Marina quickly got ahold of her laptop, and began typing.

"Hachi, Rider, Goggles, Nana. It's going to be the same situation as the metro adventure/octo expansion."

"Wait, what?!" Rider shouted, snapping out of his confident moment.

"We're going to INK his ENTIRE BODY?" Hachi asked.

"Yep, with the prototype hyperbombs again. Pearl will hopefully be able to shoot him down with her battle cry when you're done. The only problem is...he's way larger than the NILS statue."

" we still have 3 minutes?" Goggles asked, not wanting a time limit to exist.

"Unfortunately, as that's how the bombs are set up...changing programming would take too long. Not to mention, they're kind of unstable, and will break after a while. A flaw, I know, but at least there are more of you now."

"I'm a little confused" Flip said.

"Okay, so basically some bombs are going to be dropped onto his body and we have to ink all of them by 3 minutes" Rider said

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